
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Wild Magic Source Code
00002 // David Eberly
00003 // http://www.geometrictools.com
00004 // Copyright (c) 1998-2007
00005 //
00006 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00007 // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
00009 // your option) any later version.  The license is available for reading at
00010 // either of the locations:
00011 //     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html
00012 //     http://www.geometrictools.com/License/WildMagicLicense.pdf
00013 // The license applies to versions 0 through 4 of Wild Magic.
00014 //
00015 // Version: 4.0.1 (2006/08/19)
00017 #ifndef WM4MATRIX4_H
00018 #define WM4MATRIX4_H
00020 // Matrix operations are applied on the left.  For example, given a matrix M
00021 // and a vector V, matrix-times-vector is M*V.  That is, V is treated as a
00022 // column vector.  Some graphics APIs use V*M where V is treated as a row
00023 // vector.  In this context the "M" matrix is really a transpose of the M as
00024 // represented in Wild Magic.  Similarly, to apply two matrix operations M0
00025 // and M1, in that order, you compute M1*M0 so that the transform of a vector
00026 // is (M1*M0)*V = M1*(M0*V).  Some graphics APIs use M0*M1, but again these
00027 // matrices are the transpose of those as represented in Wild Magic.  You
00028 // must therefore be careful about how you interface the transformation code
00029 // with graphics APIS.
00030 //
00031 // For memory organization it might seem natural to chose Real[N][N] for the
00032 // matrix storage, but this can be a problem on a platform/console that
00033 // chooses to store the data in column-major rather than row-major format.
00034 // To avoid potential portability problems, the matrix is stored as Real[N*N]
00035 // and organized in row-major order.  That is, the entry of the matrix in row
00036 // r (0 <= r < N) and column c (0 <= c < N) is stored at index i = c+N*r
00037 // (0 <= i < N*N).
00039 #include "Wm4FoundationLIB.h"
00040 #include "Wm4Plane3.h"
00041 #include "Wm4Vector4.h"
00043 namespace Wm4
00044 {
00046 template <class Real>
00047 class Matrix4
00048 {
00049 public:
00050     // If bZero is true, create the zero matrix.  Otherwise, create the
00051     // identity matrix.
00052     Matrix4 (bool bZero = true);
00054     // copy constructor
00055     Matrix4 (const Matrix4& rkM);
00057     // input Mrc is in row r, column c.
00058     Matrix4 (Real fM00, Real fM01, Real fM02, Real fM03,
00059              Real fM10, Real fM11, Real fM12, Real fM13,
00060              Real fM20, Real fM21, Real fM22, Real fM23,
00061              Real fM30, Real fM31, Real fM32, Real fM33);
00063     // Create a matrix from an array of numbers.  The input array is
00064     // interpreted based on the Boolean input as
00065     //   true:  entry[0..15]={m00,m01,m02,m03,m10,m11,m12,m13,m20,m21,m22,
00066     //                        m23,m30,m31,m32,m33} [row major]
00067     //   false: entry[0..15]={m00,m10,m20,m30,m01,m11,m21,m31,m02,m12,m22,
00068     //                        m32,m03,m13,m23,m33} [col major]
00069     Matrix4 (const Real afEntry[16], bool bRowMajor);
00071     void MakeZero ();
00072     void MakeIdentity ();
00074     // member access
00075     operator const Real* () const;
00076     operator Real* ();
00077     const Real* operator[] (int iRow) const;
00078     Real* operator[] (int iRow);
00079     Real operator() (int iRow, int iCol) const;
00080     Real& operator() (int iRow, int iCol);
00081     void SetRow (int iRow, const Vector4<Real>& rkV);
00082     Vector4<Real> GetRow (int iRow) const;
00083     void SetColumn (int iCol, const Vector4<Real>& rkV);
00084     Vector4<Real> GetColumn (int iCol) const;
00085     void GetColumnMajor (Real* afCMajor) const;
00087     // assignment
00088     Matrix4& operator= (const Matrix4& rkM);
00090     // comparison
00091     bool operator== (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00092     bool operator!= (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00093     bool operator<  (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00094     bool operator<= (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00095     bool operator>  (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00096     bool operator>= (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00098     // arithmetic operations
00099     Matrix4 operator+ (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00100     Matrix4 operator- (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00101     Matrix4 operator* (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00102     Matrix4 operator* (Real fScalar) const;
00103     Matrix4 operator/ (Real fScalar) const;
00104     Matrix4 operator- () const;
00106     // arithmetic updates
00107     Matrix4& operator+= (const Matrix4& rkM);
00108     Matrix4& operator-= (const Matrix4& rkM);
00109     Matrix4& operator*= (Real fScalar);
00110     Matrix4& operator/= (Real fScalar);
00112     // matrix times vector
00113     Vector4<Real> operator* (const Vector4<Real>& rkV) const;  // M * v
00115     // other operations
00116     Matrix4 Transpose () const;  // M^T
00117     Matrix4 TransposeTimes (const Matrix4& rkM) const;  // this^T * M
00118     Matrix4 TimesTranspose (const Matrix4& rkM) const;  // this * M^T
00119     Matrix4 Inverse () const;
00120     Matrix4 Adjoint () const;
00121     Real Determinant () const;
00122     Real QForm (const Vector4<Real>& rkU,
00123         const Vector4<Real>& rkV) const;  // u^T*M*v
00125     // projection matrices onto a specified plane
00126     void MakeObliqueProjection (const Vector3<Real>& rkNormal,
00127         const Vector3<Real>& rkPoint, const Vector3<Real>& rkDirection);
00128     void MakePerspectiveProjection (const Vector3<Real>& rkNormal,
00129         const Vector3<Real>& rkPoint, const Vector3<Real>& rkEye);
00131     // reflection matrix through a specified plane
00132     void MakeReflection (const Vector3<Real>& rkNormal,
00133         const Vector3<Real>& rkPoint);
00135     // special matrices
00136     WM4_FOUNDATION_ITEM static const Matrix4 ZERO;
00137     WM4_FOUNDATION_ITEM static const Matrix4 IDENTITY;
00139 private:
00140     // support for comparisons
00141     int CompareArrays (const Matrix4& rkM) const;
00143     Real m_afEntry[16];
00144 };
00146 // c * M
00147 template <class Real>
00148 Matrix4<Real> operator* (Real fScalar, const Matrix4<Real>& rkM);
00150 // v^T * M
00151 template <class Real>
00152 Vector4<Real> operator* (const Vector4<Real>& rkV, const Matrix4<Real>& rkM);
00154 } //namespace Wm4
00156 #include "Wm4Matrix4.inl"
00158 namespace Wm4
00159 {
00160 typedef Matrix4<float> Matrix4f;
00161 typedef Matrix4<double> Matrix4d;
00162 }
00164 #endif

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