
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 const char FreeCADInit[] ="# FreeCAD init module\n"
00002 "# (c) 2001 Jürgen Riegel\n"
00003 "#\n"
00004 "# Gathering all the information to start FreeCAD\n"
00005 "# This is the second one of three init scripts, the third one\n"
00006 "# runs when the gui is up\n"
00007 "\n"
00008 "#***************************************************************************\n"
00009 "#*   (c) Jürgen Riegel ( 2002                        *\n"
00010 "#*                                                                         *\n"
00011 "#*   This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system.              *\n"
00012 "#*                                                                         *\n"
00013 "#*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *\n"
00014 "#*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)            *\n"
00015 "#*   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of     *\n"
00016 "#*   the License, or (at your option) any later version.                   *\n"
00017 "#*   for detail see the LICENCE text file.                                 *\n"
00018 "#*                                                                         *\n"
00019 "#*   FreeCAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            *\n"
00020 "#*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *\n"
00022 "#*   GNU Library General Public License for more details.                  *\n"
00023 "#*                                                                         *\n"
00024 "#*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *\n"
00025 "#*   License along with FreeCAD; if not, write to the Free Software        *\n"
00026 "#*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  *\n"
00027 "#*   USA                                                                   *\n"
00028 "#*                                                                         *\n"
00029 "#*   Juergen Riegel 2002                                                   *\n"
00030 "#***************************************************************************/\n"
00031 "\n"
00032 "\n"
00033 "# imports the one and only\n"
00034 "import FreeCAD\n"
00035 "\n"
00036 "\n"
00037 "def InitApplications():\n"
00038 "       try:\n"
00039 "               import sys,os\n"
00040 "       except:\n"
00041 "               FreeCAD.PrintError(\"\\n\\nSeems the python standard libs are not installed, bailing out!\\n\\n\")\n"
00042 "               raise\n"
00043 "       # Checking on FreeCAD module path ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
00044 "       ModDir = FreeCAD.getHomePath()+\'Mod\'\n"
00045 "       ModDir = os.path.realpath(ModDir)\n"
00046 "       BinDir = FreeCAD.getHomePath()+\'bin\'\n"
00047 "       BinDir = os.path.realpath(BinDir)\n"
00048 "       LibDir = FreeCAD.getHomePath()+\'lib\'\n"
00049 "       LibDir = os.path.realpath(LibDir)\n"
00050 "       AddPath = FreeCAD.ConfigGet(\"AdditionalModulePaths\").split(\";\")\n"
00051 "       HomeMod = FreeCAD.ConfigGet(\"UserAppData\")+\"Mod\"\n"
00052 "       HomeMod = os.path.realpath(HomeMod)\n"
00053 "       MacroMod = FreeCAD.ParamGet(\"User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro\").GetString(\"MacroPath\")+\"/Mod\"\n"
00054 "       MacroMod = os.path.realpath(MacroMod)\n"
00055 "       ModPar = FreeCAD.ParamGet(\"System parameter:Modules\")\n"
00056 "\n"
00057 "       #print FreeCAD.getHomePath()\n"
00058 "       if os.path.isdir(FreeCAD.getHomePath()+\'src\\\\Tools\'):\n"
00059 "               sys.path.append(FreeCAD.getHomePath()+\'src\\\\Tools\')\n"
00060 "       # Searching for module dirs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
00061 "       # Use dict to handle duplicated module names\n"
00062 "       ModDict = {}\n"
00063 "       if os.path.isdir(ModDir):\n"
00064 "               ModDirs = os.listdir(ModDir)\n"
00065 "               for i in ModDirs: ModDict[i.lower()] = os.path.join(ModDir,i)\n"
00066 "       else:\n"
00067 "               Wrn (\"No modules found in \" + ModDir + \"\\n\")\n"
00068 "       # Search for additional modules in the home directory\n"
00069 "       if os.path.isdir(HomeMod):\n"
00070 "               HomeMods = os.listdir(HomeMod)\n"
00071 "               for i in HomeMods: ModDict[i.lower()] = os.path.join(HomeMod,i)\n"
00072 "       # Search for additional modules in the macro directory\n"
00073 "       if os.path.isdir(MacroMod):\n"
00074 "               MacroMods = os.listdir(MacroMod)\n"
00075 "               for i in MacroMods: ModDict[i.lower()] = os.path.join(MacroMod,i)\n"
00076 "       # Search for additional modules in command line\n"
00077 "       for i in AddPath:\n"
00078 "               if os.path.isdir(i): ModDict[i] = i\n"
00079 "       #AddModPaths = App.ParamGet(\"System parameter:AdditionalModulePaths\")\n"
00080 "       #Err( AddModPaths)\n"
00081 "       # add also this path so that all modules search for libraries\n"
00082 "       # they depend on first here\n"
00083 "       PathExtension = BinDir + os.pathsep\n"
00084 "       # prepend all module paths to Python search path\n"
00085 "       Log(\'Init:   Searching for modules...\\n\')\n"
00086 "       FreeCAD.__path__ = ModDict.values()\n"
00087 "       for Dir in ModDict.values():\n"
00088 "               if ((Dir != \'\') & (Dir != \'CVS\') & (Dir != \'\')):\n"
00089 "                       ModGrp = ModPar.GetGroup(Dir)\n"
00090 "                       sys.path.insert(0,Dir)\n"
00091 "                       PathExtension += Dir + os.pathsep\n"
00092 "                       InstallFile = os.path.join(Dir,\"\")\n"
00093 "                       if (os.path.exists(InstallFile)):\n"
00094 "                               try:\n"
00095 "                                       execfile(InstallFile)\n"
00096 "                               except Exception, inst:\n"
00097 "                                       Log(\'Init:      Initializing \' + Dir + \'... failed\\n\')\n"
00098 "                                       Err(\'During initialization the error \' + str(inst) + \' occurred in \' + InstallFile + \'\\n\')\n"
00099 "                               else:\n"
00100 "                                       Log(\'Init:      Initializing \' + Dir + \'... done\\n\')\n"
00101 "                       else:\n"
00102 "                               Log(\'Init:      Initializing \' + Dir + \'( not found)... ignore\\n\')\n"
00103 "       sys.path.insert(0,LibDir)\n"
00104 "       sys.path.insert(0,ModDir)\n"
00105 "       Log(\"Using \"+ModDir+\" as module path!\\n\")\n"
00106 "       # new paths must be prepended to avoid to load a wrong version of a library\n"
00107 "       os.environ[\"PATH\"] = PathExtension + os.environ[\"PATH\"]\n"
00108 "       path = os.environ[\"PATH\"].split(os.pathsep)\n"
00109 "       Log(\"System path after init:\\n\")\n"
00110 "       for i in path:\n"
00111 "               Log(\"   \" + i + \"\\n\")\n"
00112 "       # add special path for MacOSX (bug #0000307)\n"
00113 "       import platform\n"
00114 "       if len(platform.mac_ver()[0]) > 0:\n"
00115 "               sys.path.append(os.path.expanduser(\'~/Library/Application Support/FreeCAD/Mod\'))\n"
00116 "\n"
00117 "# some often used shortcuts (for lazy people like me ;-)\n"
00118 "App = FreeCAD\n"
00119 "Log = FreeCAD.Console.PrintLog\n"
00120 "Msg = FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage\n"
00121 "Err = FreeCAD.Console.PrintError\n"
00122 "Wrn = FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning\n"
00123 "\n"
00124 "Log (\'Init: starting\\n\')\n"
00125 "\n"
00126 "# init every application by importing\n"
00127 "InitApplications()\n"
00128 "\n"
00129 "FreeCAD.EndingAdd(\"FreeCAD document (*.FCStd)\",\"FreeCAD\")\n"
00130 "\n"
00131 "# set to no gui, is overwritten by InitGui\n"
00132 "App.GuiUp = 0\n"
00133 "\n"
00134 "# clean up namespace\n"
00135 "del(InitApplications)\n"
00136 "\n"
00137 "Log (\'Init: done\\n\')\n"
00138 "\n"
00139 "\n"
00140 "\n"
00141 "\n"
00142 ;

Generated on Wed Nov 23 19:00:19 2011 for FreeCAD by  doxygen 1.6.1