Approximate Member List

This is the complete list of members for Approximate, including all inherited members.
Approximate(const MeshCore::MeshKernel &m, std::vector< double > &_Cntrl, std::vector< double > &_KnotU, std::vector< double > &_KnotV, int &_OrderU, int &_OrderV, double tol)Approximate
ApproxMain()Approximate [protected]
AreaTriangle(Base::Vector3f &a, Base::Vector3f &b, Base::Vector3f &c)Routines [protected]
Basisfun(int i, double u, int p, std::vector< double > &KnotSequence, std::vector< double > &output)Routines [protected]
bspderiv(int d, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &c, std::vector< double > &k, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &OutputC, std::vector< double > &Outputk)Routines [protected]
CalcAngle(Base::Vector3f a, Base::Vector3f b, Base::Vector3f c)Routines [protected]
ComputeError(int &h, double eps_1, double eps_2, double &max_error, double &av, double &c2, std::vector< double > &err_w)Approximate [protected]
CramerSolve(std::vector< std::vector< double > > &RHS1, std::vector< double > &RHS2, std::vector< double > &LHS)Routines [protected]
DersBasisFuns(int i, double u, int p, int n, std::vector< double > &KnotSequence, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &Derivate)Routines [protected]
det2(std::vector< std::vector< double > > &Matrix)Routines [inline, protected]
eFair2(ublas::compressed_matrix< double > &E_Matrix)Approximate [protected]
ErrorApprox()Approximate [protected]
ExtendKnot(double ErrPnt, int NurbDegree, int MaxCntrl, std::vector< double > &KnotSequence)Routines [protected]
ExtendNurb(double c2, int h)Approximate [protected]
Extension(std::vector< double > &KnotSequence, int SmallerIndex, int LargerIndex, double SmallerIndNewValue, double LargerIndNewValue)Routines [protected]
FindCorner(float ParamX, float ParamY, std::vector< unsigned long > &v_neighbour, std::vector< Base::Vector3f > &v_pnts)Routines [protected]
FindSpan(int n, int p, double u, std::vector< double > KnotSequence)Routines [protected]
GenerateUniformKnot(int MaxCntrl, int NurbDegree, std::vector< double > &KnotSequence)Routines [protected]
NewtonStep(std::vector< double > &F, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &DF)Routines [protected, static]
NrbDEval(NURBS &MainNurb, std::vector< NURBS > &DerivNurb, std::vector< double > &Point, std::vector< double > &EvalPoint, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &jac)Routines [protected]
ParameterBoundary()Approximate [protected]
ParameterInnerPoints()Approximate [protected]
PointBSPEval(int DegreeU, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &Cntrl, std::vector< double > &KnotSequence, std::vector< double > &Output, double CurEvalPoint)Routines [protected]
PointNrbDerivate(NURBS MainNurb, std::vector< NURBS > &OutNurbs)Routines [protected]
PointNrbEval(std::vector< double > &p, std::vector< double > &CurPoint, NURBS &MainNurb)Routines [protected]
ReorderNeighbourList(std::set< unsigned long > &pnt, std::set< unsigned long > &face, std::vector< unsigned long > &nei, unsigned long CurInd)Approximate [protected]
Reparam()Approximate [protected]
TrapezoidIntergration(const std::vector< double > &WithRespectTo, const std::vector< double > &Intergral)Routines [protected]

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