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00001 #! python
00002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00003 # (c) 2011 Adrian Przekwas LGPL
00005 from __future__ import division # allows floating point division from integers
00006 import FreeCAD, Part
00007 from FreeCAD import Base
00009 class MySpring:
00010    def __init__(self, obj):
00011       ''' Add the properties: Pitch, Diameter, Height, BarDiameter '''
00012       obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Pitch","MySpring","Pitch of the helix").Pitch=5.0
00013       obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Diameter","MySpring","Diameter of the helix").Diameter=6.0
00014       obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Height","MySpring","Height of the helix").Height=30.0
00015       obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","BarDiameter","MySpring","Diameter of the bar").BarDiameter=3.0
00016       obj.Proxy = self
00018    def onChanged(self, fp, prop):
00019       if prop == "Pitch" or prop == "Diameter" or prop == "Height" or prop == "BarDiameter":
00020          self.execute(fp)
00022    def execute(self, fp):
00023       pitch = fp.Pitch
00024       radius = fp.Diameter/2
00025       height = fp.Height
00026       barradius = fp.BarDiameter/2
00027       myhelix=Part.makeHelix(pitch,height,radius)
00028       g=myhelix.Edges[0].Curve
00029       c=Part.Circle()
00030       c.Center=g.value(0) # start point of the helix
00031       c.Axis=(0,1,0)
00032       c.Radius=barradius
00033       p=c.toShape()
00034       section = Part.Wire([p])
00035       makeSolid=1 #change to 1 to make a solid
00036       isFrenet=1
00037       myspring=Part.Wire(myhelix).makePipeShell([section],makeSolid,isFrenet)
00038       fp.Shape = myspring
00040 def makeMySpring():
00041    doc = FreeCAD.activeDocument()
00042    if doc == None:
00043       doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
00044    spring=doc.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","My_Spring")
00045    spring.Label = "My Spring"
00046    MySpring(spring)
00047    spring.ViewObject.Proxy=0
00048    doc.recompute()
00050 if __name__ == "__main__":
00051    makeMySpring()

Generated on Wed Nov 23 19:00:41 2011 for FreeCAD by  doxygen 1.6.1