Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import os,FreeCAD,FreeCADGui,tempfile,time,zipfile,urllib,re
00002 from PyQt4 import QtGui
00003 from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
00005 def translate(context,text):
00006         "convenience function for the Qt translator"
00007         return str(QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8).toUtf8())
00009 # texts to be translated
00011 text01 = translate("StartPage","FreeCAD Start Center")
00012 text02 = translate("StartPage","Start a new project")
00013 text03 = translate("StartPage","Recent Files")
00014 text04 = translate("StartPage","Latest videos")
00015 text05 = translate("StartPage","Latest news")
00016 text06 = translate("StartPage","On the web")
00017 text07 = translate("StartPage","This is the FreeCAD Homepage. Here you will be able to find a lot of information about FreeCAD, including tutorials, examples and user documentation.")
00018 text08 = translate("StartPage","FreeCAD Homepage")
00019 text09 = translate("StartPage","Example projects")
00020 text10 = translate("StartPage","Schenkel STEP file")
00021 text11 = translate("StartPage","Load a PartDesign example")
00022 text12 = translate("StartPage","Load a Drawing extraction")
00023 text13 = translate("StartPage","Load a Robot simulation example")
00024 text14 = translate("StartPage","Projects from the Web")
00025 text15 = translate("StartPage","Schenkel STEP")
00026 text16 = translate("StartPage","Complex Part")
00027 text17 = translate("StartPage","Close this window after opening or creating a file")
00028 text18 = translate("StartPage","Don't show me this window again next time")
00029 text19 = translate("StartPage","Designing parts")
00030 text20 = translate("StartPage","The <b>Part Design</b> workbench is designed to create complex pieces based on constrained 2D sketches. Use it to draw 2D shapes, constrain some of their elements and extrude them to form 3D pieces.")
00031 text21 = translate("StartPage","Example workflow")
00032 text22 = translate("StartPage","Part Design")
00033 text23 = translate("StartPage","Designing architectural elements")
00034 text24 = translate("StartPage","The <b>Architectural Design</b> workbench is specially designed for working with architectural elements such as walls or windows. Start by drawing 2D shapes, and use them as guides to build architecutral objects.")
00035 text25 = translate("StartPage","Architectual Design")
00036 text26 = translate("StartPage","Working with Meshes")
00037 text27 = translate("StartPage","The <b>Mesh Workbench</b> is used to work with Mesh objects. Meshes are simpler 3D objects than Part objects, but they are often easier to import and export to/from other applications.")
00038 text28 = translate("StartPage","FreeCAD offers you several tools to convert between Mesh and Part objects.")
00039 text29 = translate("StartPage","Work with Meshes")
00040 text30 = translate("StartPage","The complete workbench")
00041 text31 = translate("StartPage","FreeCAD default workbench")
00042 text32 = translate("StartPage","populated with some of the most commonly used tools.")
00043 text33 = translate("StartPage","file size:")
00044 text34 = translate("StartPage","creation time:")
00045 text35 = translate("StartPage","last modified:")
00046 text36 = translate("StartPage","location:")
00047 text37 = translate("StartPage","User manual")
00048 text38 = translate("StartPage","")
00049 text39 = translate("StartPage","Tutorials")
00050 text40 = translate("StartPage","Python resources")
00051 text41 = translate("StartPage","File not found")
00052 text42 = translate("StartPage","from <a href=>@FreeCADNews</a>")
00053 text43 = translate("StartPage","The FreeCAD-tutorial blog")
00054 text44 = translate("StartPage","from <a href=>FreeCADNews channel</a>")
00055 text45 = translate("StartPage","This is the official user manual of FreeCAD, built, maintained and translated by the FreeCAD community.")
00056 text46 = translate("StartPage","The tutorials section on the FreeCAD website")
00057 text47 = translate("StartPage","The section of the FreeCAd website dedicate dto python scripting, with examples, explanations, and API commands.")
00058 text48 = translate("StartPage","A blog dedicated to teaching FreeCAD, maintained by members of the FreeCAD community")
00060 # here is the html page skeleton
00062 page = """
00063 <html>
00064   <head>
00065     <title>FreeCAD - Start page</title>
00066     <script language="javascript">
00067       function JSONscriptRequest(fullUrl) {
00068         // REST request path
00069         this.fullUrl = fullUrl; 
00070         // Get the DOM location to put the script tag
00071         this.headLoc = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0);
00072         // Generate a unique script tag id
00073         this.scriptId = 'JscriptId' + JSONscriptRequest.scriptCounter++;
00074       }
00076       // Static script ID counter
00077       JSONscriptRequest.scriptCounter = 1;
00079       JSONscriptRequest.prototype.buildScriptTag = function () {
00080         // Create the script tag
00081         this.scriptObj = document.createElement("script");
00082         // Add script object attributes
00083         this.scriptObj.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
00084         this.scriptObj.setAttribute("charset", "utf-8");
00085         this.scriptObj.setAttribute("src", this.fullUrl);
00086         this.scriptObj.setAttribute("id", this.scriptId);
00087       }
00089       JSONscriptRequest.prototype.removeScriptTag = function () {
00090         // Destroy the script tag
00091         this.headLoc.removeChild(this.scriptObj);  
00092       }
00094       JSONscriptRequest.prototype.addScriptTag = function () {
00095         // Create the script tag
00096         this.headLoc.appendChild(this.scriptObj);
00097       }
00099       function show(theText) {
00100         ddiv = document.getElementById("description");
00101         if (theText == "") theText = "&nbsp;";
00102         ddiv.innerHTML = theText;
00103       }
00105       function loadFeeds() {
00106         ddiv = document.getElementById("youtube");
00107         ddiv.innerHTML = "Fetching data from the web...";
00108         var obj=new JSONscriptRequest('');
00109         obj.buildScriptTag(); // Build the script tag
00110         obj.addScriptTag(); // Execute (add) the script tag
00111         ddiv.innerHTML = "Done fetching";
00112         ddiv = document.getElementById("news");
00113         ddiv.innerHTML = "Fetching data from the web...";
00114         var tobj=new JSONscriptRequest('');
00115         tobj.buildScriptTag(); // Build the script tag
00116         tobj.addScriptTag(); // Execute (add) the script tag
00117         ddiv.innerHTML = "Done fetching";
00118       }
00120       function showLinks(data) {
00121         ddiv = document.getElementById('youtube');
00122         ddiv.innerHTML = "Received";
00123         var feed = data.feed;
00124         var entries = feed.entry || [];
00125         var html = ['<ul>'];
00126         for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00127           html.push('<li><a href="',entries[i].link[0].href,'">', entries[i].title.$t, '</a></li>');
00128         }
00129         html.push('</ul>');
00130         ddiv.innerHTML = html.join('');
00131       }
00132       function showTweets(data) {
00133         ddiv = document.getElementById('news');
00134         ddiv.innerHTML = "Received";
00135         var html = ['<ul>'];
00136         for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(5,data.length); i++) {
00137           tf = placeLinks(data[i].text);
00138           html.push('<li>',tf,'</li>');
00139         }
00140         html.push('</ul>');
00141         ddiv.innerHTML = html.join('');
00142       }
00143       function placeLinks(text) {
00144         result=text.replace(/(https?:\/\/([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(\/([\w\/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)/g,'<a href="$1">$1</a>');
00145         return result;
00146       }
00147     </script>
00148     <style type="text/css">
00149       body {
00150         background: #171A2B url(Background.jpg);
00151         color: white;
00152         font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans;
00153         font-size: 11px;
00154       }
00155       a {
00156         color: #0092E8;
00157         font-weight: bold;
00158         text-decoration: none;
00159         padding: 2px;
00160       }
00161       a:hover {
00162         color: white;
00163         background: #0092E8;
00164         border-radius: 5px;
00165       }
00166       p {
00167         text-align: justify;
00168       }
00169       .left {
00170         text-align: left;
00171       }
00172       h1 {
00173         font-size: 3em;
00174         letter-spacing: 2px;
00175         padding: 20px 0 0 80px;
00176         align: bottom;
00177       }
00178       h2 {
00179         font-size: 1.2em;
00180       }
00181       ul {
00182         list-style-type: none;
00183         padding: 0;
00184       }
00185       .column {
00186         width: 300px;
00187         float: left;
00188         margin-left: 10px;
00189       }
00190       .block {
00191         background: rgba(30,31,33,0.6);;
00192         border-radius: 5px;
00193         padding: 8px;
00194         margin-bottom: 10px;
00195       }
00196       .options {
00197         clear: both;
00198       }
00199       .from {
00200         font-size: 0.7em;
00201         font-weight: normal;
00202       }
00203     </style>
00204   </head>
00206   <body onload="loadFeeds()">
00208     <h1><img src="FreeCAD.png">&nbsp;""" + text01 + """</h1>
00210     <div class="column">
00212       <div class="block">
00213         <h2>""" + text02 + """</h2>
00214           defaultworkbenches
00215       </div>
00217       <div class="block">
00218         <h2>""" + text03 + """</h2>
00219           recentfiles
00220       </div>
00222       <div class="block">
00223         <h2>""" + text04 + """ <span class="from">""" + text44 + """</span></h2>
00224         <div id="youtube">youtube videos</div>
00225       </div>
00227       <div class="block">
00228         <h2>""" + text05 + """ <span class="from">""" + text42 + """</span></h2>
00229         <div id="news">news feed</div>
00230       </div>
00232     </div>
00234     <div class="column">
00236       <div class="block">
00237         <h2>""" + text06 + """</h2>
00238             defaultlinks
00239       </div>
00241       <div class="block">
00242         <h2>""" + text09 + """</h2>
00243             defaultexamples
00244       </div>
00247       customblocks
00249     </div>
00251     <div class="column" id="description">
00252       &nbsp;
00253     </div>
00255     <!--
00256     <form class="options">
00257       <input type="checkbox" name="closeThisDialog">
00258       """ + text17 + """<br/>
00259       <input type="checkbox" name="dontShowAgain">
00260       """ + text18 + """
00261     </form>
00262     -->
00264   </body>
00265 </html>
00266 """
00268 def getWebExamples():
00269         return """
00270         <ul>
00271           <li><a href="">""" + text15 + """</a></li>
00272           <li><a href="">""" + text16 + """</a></li>
00273         </ul>"""
00275 def getExamples():
00276         return """
00277         <ul>
00278           <li><a href="">""" + text10 + """</a></li>
00279           <li><a href="">""" + text11 + """</a></li>
00280           <li><a href="">""" + text12 + """</a></li>
00281           <li><a href="">""" + text13 + """</a></li>
00282         </ul>"""
00284 def getLinks():
00285         return """
00286         <ul>
00287           <li><img src="web.png">&nbsp;
00288               <a onMouseover="show('<p>""" + text07 + """</p>')" 
00289                  onMouseout="show('')"
00290                  href="">""" + text08 + """</a></li>
00291           <li><img src="web.png">&nbsp;
00292               <a onMouseover="show('<p>""" + text45 + """</p>')" 
00293                  onMouseout="show('')"
00294                  href=""" + text38 + """>""" + text37 + """</a></li>
00295           <li><img src="web.png">&nbsp;
00296               <a onMouseover="show('<p>""" + text46 + """</p>')" 
00297                  onMouseout="show('')"
00298                  href="">""" + text39 + """</a></li>
00299           <li><img src="web.png">&nbsp;
00300               <a onMouseover="show('<p>""" + text47 + """</p>')" 
00301                  onMouseout="show('')"
00302                  href="">""" + text40 + """</a></li>
00303           <li><img src="web.png">&nbsp;
00304               <a onMouseover="show('<p>""" + text48 + """</p>')" 
00305                  onMouseout="show('')"
00306                  href="">""" + text43 + """</a></li>
00307         </ul>"""
00309 def getWorkbenches():
00310         return """
00311         <ul>    
00312           <li><img src="PartDesign.png">&nbsp;
00313               <a onMouseover="show('<h3>""" + text19 + """</h3> \
00314                               <p>""" + text20 + """</p><p><small>""" + text21 + """ \
00315                  :</small></p><img src=PartDesignExample.png>')" 
00316                  onMouseout="show('')" 
00317                  href="">""" + text22 + """</a></li>
00318           <li><img src="ArchDesign.png">&nbsp;
00319               <a onMouseover="show('<h3>""" + text23 + """</h3> \
00320                               <p>""" + text24 + """</p><p><small>""" + text21 + """ \
00321                  :</small></p><img src=ArchExample.png>')" 
00322                  onMouseout="show('')"
00323                  href="">""" + text25 + """</a></li>
00324           <li><img src="Mesh.png">&nbsp;
00325               <a onMouseover="show('<h3>""" + text26 + """</h3> \
00326                               <p>""" + text27 + """</p><p>""" + text28 + """</p>')" 
00327                  onMouseout="show('')" 
00328                  href="">""" + text29 + """</a></li>
00329           <li><img src="Complete.png">&nbsp;
00330               <a onMouseover="show('<h3>""" + text30 +"""</h3> \
00331                               <p>This is the <b>""" + text31 + """</b>, \
00332                               """ + text32 + """</p>')" 
00333                  onMouseout="show('')" 
00334                  href="">""" + text31 + """</a></li>
00335         </ul>
00336 """
00338 def getInfo(filename):
00339         "returns available file information"
00341         def getLocalTime(timestamp):
00342                 "returns a local time from a timestamp"
00344                 return time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(timestamp))
00346         def getSize(size):
00347                 "returns a human-readable size"
00349                 if size > 1024*1024:
00350                         hsize = str(size/(1024*1024)) + "Mb"
00351                 elif size > 1024:
00352                         hsize = str(size/1024) + "Kb"
00353                 else:
00354                         hsize = str(size) + "b"
00355                 return hsize
00357         html = '<h3>'+os.path.basename(filename)+'</h3>'
00359         if os.path.exists(filename):
00360                 # get normal file info
00361                 s = os.stat(filename)
00362                 html += "<p>" + text33 + " " + getSize(s.st_size) + "<br/>"
00363                 html += text34 + " " + getLocalTime(s.st_ctime) + "<br/>"
00364                 html += text35 + " " + getLocalTime(s.st_mtime) + "<br/>"
00365                 html += "<span>" + text36 + " " + filename + "</span></p>"
00366                 # get additional info from fcstd files
00367                 if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] in [".fcstd",".FcStd"]:
00368                         zfile=zipfile.ZipFile(filename)
00369                         files=zfile.namelist()
00370                         # check for meta-file if it's really a FreeCAD document
00371                         if files[0] == "Document.xml":
00372                                 html += "<p>FreeCAD Standard File</p>"
00373                                 image="thumbnails/Thumbnail.png"
00374                                 if image in files:
00376                                         thumbfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.png')[1]
00377                                         thumb = open(thumbfile,"wb")
00378                                         thumb.write(image)
00379                                         thumb.close()
00380                                         html += '<img src=file://'
00382                                         html += thumbfile + '><br/>'
00383         else:
00384                 html += "<p>" + text41 + "</p>"
00386         return html
00388 def getRecentFiles():
00389         "returns a list of 3 latest recent files"
00391         rf=FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/RecentFiles")
00392         ct=rf.GetInt("RecentFiles")
00393         html = '<ul>'
00394         for i in range(3):
00395                 if i < ct:
00396                         mr = rf.GetString("MRU%d" % (i))
00397                         fn = os.path.basename(mr)
00398                         html += '<li><a '
00399                         html += 'onMouseover="show(\''+getInfo(mr)+'\')" '
00400                         html += 'onMouseout="show(\'\')" '
00401                         html += 'href="LoadMRU'+str(i)+'.py">'
00402                         html += fn
00403                         html += '</a></li>'
00404         html += '</ul>'
00405         return html
00407 def getFeed(url,numitems=3):
00408         "returns a html list with links from the given RSS feed url"
00409         xml = parse(urllib.urlopen(url)).getroot()
00410         items = []
00411         channel = xml.find('channel')
00412         for element in channel.findall('item'):
00413                 items.append({
00414                                 'title': element.find('title').text,
00415                                 'description': element.find('description').text,
00416                                 'link': element.find('link').text,
00417                                 })
00418         if len(items) > numitems:
00419                 items = items[:numitems]
00420         resp = '<ul>'
00421         for item in items:
00422                 descr = re.compile("style=\".*?\"").sub('',item['description'])
00423                 descr = re.compile("alt=\".*?\"").sub('',descr)
00424                 descr = re.compile("\"").sub('',descr)
00425                 d1 = re.findall("<img.*?>",descr)[0]
00426                 d2 = re.findall("<span>.*?</span>",descr)[0]
00427                 descr = "<h3>" + item['title'] + "</h3>"
00428                 descr += d1 + "<br/>"
00429                 descr += d2
00430                 resp += '<li><a onMouseover="show(\''
00431                 resp += descr
00432                 resp += '\')" onMouseout="show(\'\')" href="'
00433                 resp += item['link']
00434                 resp += '">'
00435                 resp += item['title']
00436                 resp += '</a></li>'
00437         resp += '</ul>'
00438         print resp
00439         return resp
00441 def getCustomBlocks():
00442         "fetches custom html files in FreeCAD user dir"
00443         output = ""
00444         return output
00446 def handle():
00447         "returns the complete html startpage"
00449         # add recent files
00450         recentfiles = getRecentFiles()
00451         html = page.replace("recentfiles",recentfiles)
00453         # add default workbenches
00454         html = html.replace("defaultworkbenches",getWorkbenches())
00456         # add default web links
00457         html = html.replace("defaultlinks",getLinks())
00459         # add default examples
00460         html = html.replace("defaultexamples",getExamples())
00462         # add web examples
00463         #html = html.replace("webexamples",getWebExamples())
00465         # add custom blocks
00466         html = html.replace("customblocks",getCustomBlocks())
00468         return html

Generated on Wed Nov 23 19:00:41 2011 for FreeCAD by  doxygen 1.6.1