FeatureMeshDefects.h File Reference

#include <App/PropertyLinks.h>
#include "MeshFeature.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Mesh::FillHoles
 The FillHoles class tries to fill up holes in the internal mesh data structure. More...
class  Mesh::FixDefects
 The FixDefects class fixes defects in the attached mesh kernel. More...
class  Mesh::FixDeformations
 The FixDeformations class tries to repair deformed faces by swapping edge operations. More...
class  Mesh::FixDegenerations
 The FixDegenerations class removes degenerated faces from the mesh. More...
class  Mesh::FixDuplicatedFaces
 The FixDuplicatedFaces class removes duplicated faces from the mesh. More...
class  Mesh::FixDuplicatedPoints
 The FixDuplicatedPoints class removes duplicated points from the mesh. More...
class  Mesh::FixIndices
 The FixIndices class tries to validate invalid indices of the internal mesh data structure. More...
class  Mesh::FixNonManifolds
 The FixNonManifolds class tries to fix edges with more than two faces attached. More...
class  Mesh::FlipNormals
 The FlipNormals class flips the normals of all faces. More...
class  Mesh::HarmonizeNormals
 The HarmonizeNormals class harmonizes the normals of the faces. More...
class  Mesh::RemoveComponents
 The RemoveComponents class removes topologic indepentent components up to a certain size from the mesh data structure. More...


namespace  Mesh

The namespace of the Mesh Aplication layer library.

Generated on Wed Nov 23 19:01:15 2011 for FreeCAD by  doxygen 1.6.1