
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *   Copyright (c) 2006 Werner Mayer <wmayer[at]users.sourceforge.net>     *
00003  *                                                                         *
00004  *   This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system.              *
00005  *                                                                         *
00006  *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
00007  *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public           *
00008  *   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
00009  *   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  *   This library  is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
00012  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
00014  *   GNU Library General Public License for more details.                  *
00015  *                                                                         *
00016  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
00017  *   License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,    *
00018  *   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,         *
00019  *   Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA                                *
00020  *                                                                         *
00021  ***************************************************************************/
00024 #include "PreCompiled.h"
00026 #ifndef _PreComp_
00027 # include <qfileinfo.h>
00028 # include <qsplitter.h>
00029 # include <Inventor/nodes/SoOrthographicCamera.h>
00030 # include <Inventor/nodes/SoPerspectiveCamera.h>
00031 # include <Inventor/nodes/SoDirectionalLight.h>
00032 #endif
00034 #include "SplitView3DInventor.h"
00035 #include "View3DInventorViewer.h"
00036 #include "SoFCSelectionAction.h"
00037 #include "Document.h"
00038 #include "Application.h"
00039 #include "NavigationStyle.h"
00042 using namespace Gui;
00044 SplitView3DInventor::SplitView3DInventor( int views, Gui::Document* pcDocument, QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags wflags )
00045   : MDIView( pcDocument,parent, wflags)
00046 {
00047     // important for highlighting 
00048     setMouseTracking(true);
00050     // attach Parameter Observer
00051     hGrp = App::GetApplication().GetParameterGroupByPath("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/View");
00052     hGrp->Attach(this);
00054     QSplitter* mainSplitter=0;
00056     if (views <= 3) {
00057         mainSplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, this);
00058         _viewer.push_back(new View3DInventorViewer(mainSplitter));
00059         _viewer.push_back(new View3DInventorViewer(mainSplitter));
00060         if (views==3)
00061             _viewer.push_back(new View3DInventorViewer(mainSplitter));
00062     }
00063     else {
00064         mainSplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this);
00065         QSplitter *topSplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, mainSplitter);
00066         QSplitter *botSplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, mainSplitter);
00067         _viewer.push_back(new View3DInventorViewer(topSplitter));
00068         _viewer.push_back(new View3DInventorViewer(topSplitter));
00069         for (int i=2;i<views;i++)
00070             _viewer.push_back(new View3DInventorViewer(botSplitter));
00071         topSplitter->setOpaqueResize( true );
00072         botSplitter->setOpaqueResize( true );
00073     }
00075     mainSplitter->show();
00076     setCentralWidget(mainSplitter);
00078     // apply the user settings
00079     OnChange(*hGrp,"EyeDistance");
00080     OnChange(*hGrp,"CornerCoordSystem");
00081     OnChange(*hGrp,"UseAutoRotation");
00082     OnChange(*hGrp,"Gradient");
00083     OnChange(*hGrp,"BackgroundColor");
00084     OnChange(*hGrp,"BackgroundColor2");
00085     OnChange(*hGrp,"BackgroundColor3");
00086     OnChange(*hGrp,"BackgroundColor4");
00087     OnChange(*hGrp,"UseBackgroundColorMid");
00088     OnChange(*hGrp,"UseAntialiasing");
00089     OnChange(*hGrp,"ShowFPS");
00090     OnChange(*hGrp,"Orthographic");
00091     OnChange(*hGrp,"HeadlightColor");
00092     OnChange(*hGrp,"HeadlightDirection");
00093     OnChange(*hGrp,"HeadlightIntensity");
00094     OnChange(*hGrp,"EnableBacklight");
00095     OnChange(*hGrp,"BacklightColor");
00096     OnChange(*hGrp,"BacklightDirection");
00097     OnChange(*hGrp,"BacklightIntensity");
00098     OnChange(*hGrp,"NavigationStyle");
00099 }
00101 SplitView3DInventor::~SplitView3DInventor()
00102 {
00103     hGrp->Detach(this);
00104     for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it) {
00105         delete *it;
00106     }
00107 }
00109 View3DInventorViewer* SplitView3DInventor::getViewer(unsigned int n) const
00110 {
00111     return (_viewer.size() > n ? _viewer[n] : 0);
00112 }
00115 void SplitView3DInventor::OnChange(ParameterGrp::SubjectType &rCaller,ParameterGrp::MessageType Reason)
00116 {
00117     const ParameterGrp& rGrp = static_cast<ParameterGrp&>(rCaller);
00118     if (strcmp(Reason,"HeadlightColor") == 0) {
00119         unsigned long headlight = rGrp.GetUnsigned("HeadlightColor",ULONG_MAX); // default color (white)
00120         float transparency;
00121         SbColor headlightColor;
00122         headlightColor.setPackedValue((uint32_t)headlight, transparency);
00123         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00124             (*it)->getHeadlight()->color.setValue(headlightColor);
00125     }
00126     else if (strcmp(Reason,"HeadlightDirection") == 0) {
00127         std::string pos = rGrp.GetASCII("HeadlightDirection");
00128         QString flt = QString::fromAscii("([-+]?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]+)");
00129         QRegExp rx(QString::fromAscii("^\\(%1,%1,%1\\)$").arg(flt));
00130         if (rx.indexIn(QLatin1String(pos.c_str())) > -1) {
00131             float x = rx.cap(1).toFloat();
00132             float y = rx.cap(2).toFloat();
00133             float z = rx.cap(3).toFloat();
00134             for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00135                 (*it)->getHeadlight()->direction.setValue(x,y,z);
00136         }
00137     }
00138     else if (strcmp(Reason,"HeadlightIntensity") == 0) {
00139         long value = rGrp.GetInt("HeadlightIntensity", 100);
00140         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00141             (*it)->getHeadlight()->intensity.setValue((float)value/100.0f);
00142     }
00143     else if (strcmp(Reason,"EnableBacklight") == 0) {
00144         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00145             (*it)->setBacklight(rGrp.GetBool("EnableBacklight", false));
00146     }
00147     else if (strcmp(Reason,"BacklightColor") == 0) {
00148         unsigned long backlight = rGrp.GetUnsigned("BacklightColor",ULONG_MAX); // default color (white)
00149         float transparency;
00150         SbColor backlightColor;
00151         backlightColor.setPackedValue((uint32_t)backlight, transparency);
00152         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00153             (*it)->getBacklight()->color.setValue(backlightColor);
00154     }
00155     else if (strcmp(Reason,"BacklightDirection") == 0) {
00156         std::string pos = rGrp.GetASCII("BacklightDirection");
00157         QString flt = QString::fromAscii("([-+]?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]+)");
00158         QRegExp rx(QString::fromAscii("^\\(%1,%1,%1\\)$").arg(flt));
00159         if (rx.indexIn(QLatin1String(pos.c_str())) > -1) {
00160             float x = rx.cap(1).toFloat();
00161             float y = rx.cap(2).toFloat();
00162             float z = rx.cap(3).toFloat();
00163             for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00164                 (*it)->getBacklight()->direction.setValue(x,y,z);
00165         }
00166     }
00167     else if (strcmp(Reason,"BacklightIntensity") == 0) {
00168         long value = rGrp.GetInt("BacklightIntensity", 100);
00169         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00170             (*it)->getBacklight()->intensity.setValue((float)value/100.0f);
00171     }
00172     else if (strcmp(Reason,"EnablePreselection") == 0) {
00173         SoFCEnableHighlightAction cAct(rGrp.GetBool("EnablePreselection", true));
00174         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00175             cAct.apply((*it)->getSceneGraph());
00176     }
00177     else if (strcmp(Reason,"EnableSelection") == 0) {
00178         SoFCEnableSelectionAction cAct(rGrp.GetBool("EnableSelection", true));
00179         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00180             cAct.apply((*it)->getSceneGraph());
00181     }
00182     else if (strcmp(Reason,"HighlightColor") == 0) {
00183         float transparency;
00184         SbColor highlightColor(0.8f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
00185         unsigned long highlight = (unsigned long)(highlightColor.getPackedValue());
00186         highlight = rGrp.GetUnsigned("HighlightColor", highlight);
00187         highlightColor.setPackedValue((uint32_t)highlight, transparency);
00188         SoSFColor col; col.setValue(highlightColor);
00189         SoFCHighlightColorAction cAct(col);
00190         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00191             cAct.apply((*it)->getSceneGraph());
00192     }
00193     else if (strcmp(Reason,"SelectionColor") == 0) {
00194         float transparency;
00195         SbColor selectionColor(0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f);
00196         unsigned long selection = (unsigned long)(selectionColor.getPackedValue());
00197         selection = rGrp.GetUnsigned("SelectionColor", selection);
00198         selectionColor.setPackedValue((uint32_t)selection, transparency);
00199         SoSFColor col; col.setValue(selectionColor);
00200         SoFCSelectionColorAction cAct(col);
00201         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00202             cAct.apply((*it)->getSceneGraph());
00203     }
00204     else if (strcmp(Reason,"NavigationStyle") == 0) {
00205         // tmp. disabled will be activated after redesign of 3d viewer
00206         // check whether the simple or the Full Mouse model is used
00207         //std::string model = rGrp.GetASCII("NavigationStyle",CADNavigationStyle::getClassTypeId().getName());
00208         //Base::Type type = Base::Type::fromName(model.c_str());
00209         //for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00210         //    (*it)->setNavigationType(type);
00211     }
00212     else if (strcmp(Reason,"EyeDistance") == 0) {
00213         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00214             (*it)->setStereoOffset(rGrp.GetFloat("EyeDistance",65.0));
00215     }
00216     else if (strcmp(Reason,"CornerCoordSystem") == 0) {
00217         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00218             (*it)->setFeedbackVisibility(rGrp.GetBool("CornerCoordSystem",true));
00219     }
00220     else if (strcmp(Reason,"UseAutoRotation") == 0) {
00221         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00222             (*it)->setAnimationEnabled(rGrp.GetBool("UseAutoRotation",true));
00223     }
00224     else if (strcmp(Reason,"Gradient") == 0) {
00225         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00226             (*it)->setGradientBackgroud((rGrp.GetBool("Gradient",true)));
00227     }
00228     else if (strcmp(Reason,"UseAntialiasing") == 0) {
00229         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00230             (*it)->getGLRenderAction()->setSmoothing(rGrp.GetBool("UseAntialiasing",false));
00231     }
00232     else if (strcmp(Reason,"ShowFPS") == 0) {
00233         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00234             (*it)->setEnabledFPSCounter(rGrp.GetBool("ShowFPS",false));
00235     }
00236     else if (strcmp(Reason,"Orthographic") == 0) {
00237         // check whether a perspective or orthogrphic camera should be set
00238         if (rGrp.GetBool("Orthographic", true)) {
00239             for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00240                 (*it)->setCameraType(SoOrthographicCamera::getClassTypeId());
00241         }
00242         else {
00243             for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00244                 (*it)->setCameraType(SoPerspectiveCamera::getClassTypeId());
00245         }
00246     }
00247     else {
00248         unsigned long col1 = rGrp.GetUnsigned("BackgroundColor",3940932863UL);
00249         unsigned long col2 = rGrp.GetUnsigned("BackgroundColor2",859006463UL); // default color (dark blue)
00250         unsigned long col3 = rGrp.GetUnsigned("BackgroundColor3",2880160255UL); // default color (blue/grey)
00251         unsigned long col4 = rGrp.GetUnsigned("BackgroundColor4",1869583359UL); // default color (blue/grey)
00252         float r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,r3,g3,b3,r4,g4,b4;
00253         r1 = ((col1 >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0; g1 = ((col1 >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0; b1 = ((col1 >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0;
00254         r2 = ((col2 >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0; g2 = ((col2 >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0; b2 = ((col2 >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0;
00255         r3 = ((col3 >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0; g3 = ((col3 >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0; b3 = ((col3 >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0;
00256         r4 = ((col4 >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0; g4 = ((col4 >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0; b4 = ((col4 >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0;
00257         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it) {
00258             (*it)->setBackgroundColor(SbColor(r1, g1, b1));
00259             if (rGrp.GetBool("UseBackgroundColorMid",false) == false)
00260                 (*it)->setGradientBackgroudColor(SbColor(r2, g2, b2), SbColor(r3, g3, b3));
00261             else
00262                 (*it)->setGradientBackgroudColor(SbColor(r2, g2, b2), SbColor(r3, g3, b3), SbColor(r4, g4, b4));
00263         }
00264     }
00265 }
00267 void SplitView3DInventor::onUpdate(void)
00268 {
00269     update();  
00270 }
00272 const char *SplitView3DInventor::getName(void) const
00273 {
00274     return "SplitView3DInventor";
00275 }
00277 bool SplitView3DInventor::onMsg(const char* pMsg, const char** ppReturn)
00278 {
00279     if (strcmp("ViewFit",pMsg) == 0 ) {
00280         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it)
00281             (*it)->viewAll();
00282         return true;
00283     }
00284     else if (strcmp("ViewBottom",pMsg) == 0) {
00285         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it) {
00286             SoCamera* cam = (*it)->getCamera();
00287             cam->orientation.setValue(-1, 0, 0, 0);
00288             (*it)->viewAll();
00289         }
00290         return true;
00291     }
00292     else if (strcmp("ViewFront",pMsg) == 0) {
00293         float root = (float)(sqrt(2.0)/2.0);
00294         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it) {
00295             SoCamera* cam = (*it)->getCamera();
00296             cam->orientation.setValue(-root, 0, 0, -root);
00297             (*it)->viewAll();
00298         }
00299         return true;
00300     }
00301     else if (strcmp("ViewLeft",pMsg) == 0) {
00302         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it) {
00303             SoCamera* cam = (*it)->getCamera();
00304             cam->orientation.setValue(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
00305             (*it)->viewAll();
00306         }
00307         return true;
00308     }
00309     else if (strcmp("ViewRear",pMsg) == 0) {
00310         float root = (float)(sqrt(2.0)/2.0);
00311         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it) {
00312             SoCamera* cam = (*it)->getCamera();
00313             cam->orientation.setValue(0, root, root, 0);
00314             (*it)->viewAll();
00315         }
00316         return true;
00317     }
00318     else if (strcmp("ViewRight",pMsg) == 0) {
00319         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it) {
00320             SoCamera* cam = (*it)->getCamera();
00321             cam->orientation.setValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
00322             (*it)->viewAll();
00323         }
00324         return true;
00325     }
00326     else if (strcmp("ViewTop",pMsg) == 0) {
00327         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it) {
00328             SoCamera* cam = (*it)->getCamera();
00329             cam->orientation.setValue(0, 0, 0, 1);
00330             (*it)->viewAll();
00331         }
00332         return true;
00333     }
00334     else if (strcmp("ViewAxo",pMsg) == 0) {
00335         float root = (float)(sqrt(3.0)/4.0);
00336         for (std::vector<View3DInventorViewer*>::iterator it = _viewer.begin(); it != _viewer.end(); ++it) {
00337             SoCamera* cam = (*it)->getCamera();
00338             cam->orientation.setValue(-0.333333f, -0.166666f, -0.333333f, -root);
00339             (*it)->viewAll();
00340         }
00341         return true;
00342     }
00344     return false;
00345 }
00347 bool SplitView3DInventor::onHasMsg(const char* pMsg) const
00348 {
00349     if (strcmp("ViewFit",pMsg) == 0) {
00350         return true;
00351     }
00352     else if (strcmp("ViewBottom",pMsg) == 0) {
00353         return true;
00354     }
00355     else if (strcmp("ViewFront",pMsg) == 0) {
00356         return true;
00357     }
00358     else if (strcmp("ViewLeft",pMsg) == 0) {
00359         return true;
00360     }
00361     else if (strcmp("ViewRear",pMsg) == 0) {
00362         return true;
00363     }
00364     else if (strcmp("ViewRight",pMsg) == 0) {
00365         return true;
00366     }
00367     else if (strcmp("ViewTop",pMsg) == 0) {
00368         return true;
00369     }
00370     else if (strcmp("ViewAxo",pMsg) == 0) {
00371         return true;
00372     }
00373     return false;
00374 }
00376 void SplitView3DInventor::setCursor(const QCursor& aCursor)
00377 {
00378     //_viewer->getWidget()->setCursor(aCursor);
00379 }

Generated on Wed Nov 23 19:00:40 2011 for FreeCAD by  doxygen 1.6.1