Gui::PropertyEditor Namespace Reference

The namespace of the property editor for FreeCAD. More...


class  PlacementEditor
class  PropertyAngleItem
 Change a floating point number. More...
class  PropertyBoolItem
 Edit properties of boolean type. More...
class  PropertyColorItem
 Change a color property. More...
class  PropertyDoubleVectorItem
class  PropertyEditor
class  PropertyEnumItem
 Edit properties of enum type. More...
class  PropertyFileItem
 Change a file. More...
class  PropertyFloatConstraintItem
 Change a floating point number with constraints. More...
class  PropertyFloatItem
 Change a floating point number. More...
class  PropertyFontItem
 Change a font property. More...
class  PropertyIntegerConstraintItem
 Change a number with constraints. More...
class  PropertyIntegerItem
 Change a number. More...
class  PropertyItem
class  PropertyItemDelegate
class  PropertyItemEditorFactory
class  PropertyModel
class  PropertyPathItem
 Change a path. More...
class  PropertyPlacementItem
 Edit properties of placement type. More...
class  PropertySeparatorItem
 Dummy property to separate groups of properties. More...
class  PropertyStringItem
 Change a string property. More...
class  PropertyStringListItem
 Edit properties of enum type. More...
class  PropertyTransientFileItem
 Show path of included file. More...
class  PropertyUnitItem
 Change a Unit based floating point number. More...
class  PropertyVectorItem

Detailed Description

The namespace of the property editor for FreeCAD.

Generated on Wed Nov 23 19:02:11 2011 for FreeCAD by  doxygen 1.6.1