Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList Class Reference

The Curvature property class. More...

#include <MeshProperties.h>

Inheritance diagram for Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList:
App::PropertyLists App::Property Base::Persistence Base::BaseClass

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  {
  MeanCurvature = 0, GaussCurvature = 1, MaxCurvature = 2, MinCurvature = 3,
  AbsCurvature = 4

Public Member Functions

App::PropertyCopy (void) const
 Returns a new copy of the property (mainly for Undo/Redo and transactions).
std::vector< float > getCurvature (int tMode) const
virtual unsigned int getMemSize (void) const
 This method is used to get the size of objects It is not meant to have the exact size, it is more or less an estimation which runs fast! Is it two bytes or a GB? This method is defined in Base::Persistence.
int getSize (void) const
virtual Base::Type getTypeId (void) const
const std::vector
< CurvatureInfo > & 
getValues (void) const
const CurvatureInfooperator[] (const int idx) const
 index operator
void Paste (const App::Property &from)
 PropertyCurvatureList ()
void Restore (Base::XMLReader &reader)
 This method is used to restore properties from an XML document.
void RestoreDocFile (Base::Reader &reader)
 This method is used to restore large amounts of data from a file In this method you simply stream in your with SaveDocFile() saved data.
void Save (Base::Writer &writer) const
 This method is used to save properties to an XML document.
void SaveDocFile (Base::Writer &writer) const
 This method is used to save large amounts of data to a binary file.
void set1Value (const int idx, const CurvatureInfo &value)
void setSize (int newSize)
void setValue (const CurvatureInfo &)
void setValues (const std::vector< CurvatureInfo > &)
void transform (const Base::Matrix4D &rclMat)
 ~PropertyCurvatureList ()
Python interface

PyObjectgetPyObject (void)
 This method returns the Python wrapper for a C++ object.
void setPyObject (PyObject *value)

Static Public Member Functions

static void * create (void)
static Base::Type getClassTypeId (void)
static void init (void)

Detailed Description

The Curvature property class.

Werner Mayer

Definition at line 77 of file MeshProperties.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Mean curvature.


Gaussian curvature.


Maximum curvature.


Minimum curvature.


Absolute curvature.

Definition at line 82 of file MeshProperties.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PropertyCurvatureList::PropertyCurvatureList (  ) 

Definition at line 84 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

Referenced by Copy().

PropertyCurvatureList::~PropertyCurvatureList (  ) 

Definition at line 89 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

App::Property * PropertyCurvatureList::Copy ( void   )  const [virtual]

Returns a new copy of the property (mainly for Undo/Redo and transactions).

Implements App::Property.

Definition at line 267 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

References draftTools::p, and PropertyCurvatureList().

void * Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::create ( void   )  [static]

Reimplemented from App::PropertyLists.

Definition at line 46 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

Base::Type Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::getClassTypeId ( void   )  [static]

Reimplemented from App::PropertyLists.

Definition at line 46 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

Referenced by MeshGui::ViewProviderMeshCurvature::setVertexCurvatureMode().

std::vector< float > PropertyCurvatureList::getCurvature ( int  tMode  )  const
virtual unsigned int Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::getMemSize ( void   )  const [inline, virtual]

This method is used to get the size of objects It is not meant to have the exact size, it is more or less an estimation which runs fast! Is it two bytes or a GB? This method is defined in Base::Persistence.

See also:

Reimplemented from App::Property.

Definition at line 121 of file MeshProperties.h.

PyObject * PropertyCurvatureList::getPyObject ( void   )  [virtual]

This method returns the Python wrapper for a C++ object.

It's in the responsibility of the programmer to do the correct reference counting. Basically there are two ways how to implement that: Either always return a new Python object then reference counting is not a matter or return always the same Python object then the reference counter must be incremented by one. However, it's absolutely forbidden to return always the same Python object without incrementing the reference counter.

The default implementation returns 'None'.

Reimplemented from Base::BaseClass.

Definition at line 239 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

References Py::List::append(), Py::new_reference_to(), and Py::Tuple::setItem().

int Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::getSize ( void   )  const [inline, virtual]
Base::Type Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::getTypeId ( void   )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from App::PropertyLists.

Definition at line 46 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

const std::vector<CurvatureInfo>& Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::getValues ( void   )  const [inline]

Definition at line 103 of file MeshProperties.h.

Referenced by getCurvature().

void Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::init ( void   )  [static]

Reimplemented from App::PropertyLists.

Definition at line 46 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

Referenced by initMesh().

const CurvatureInfo& Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::operator[] ( const int  idx  )  const [inline]

index operator

Definition at line 101 of file MeshProperties.h.

Referenced by transform().

void PropertyCurvatureList::Paste ( const App::Property from  ) 
void PropertyCurvatureList::Restore ( Base::XMLReader  )  [virtual]

This method is used to restore properties from an XML document.

It uses the XMLReader class, which bases on SAX, to read the in Save() written information. Again the Vector as an example:

 void PropertyVector::Restore(Base::XMLReader &reader)
   // read my Element
   // get the value of my Attribute
   _cVec.x = (float)reader.getAttributeAsFloat("valueX");
   _cVec.y = (float)reader.getAttributeAsFloat("valueY");
   _cVec.z = (float)reader.getAttributeAsFloat("valueZ");

Implements Base::Persistence.

Definition at line 201 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

References Base::XMLReader::addFile(), DrawingExample::file, Base::XMLReader::getAttribute(), and Base::XMLReader::readElement().

void PropertyCurvatureList::RestoreDocFile ( Base::Reader  )  [virtual]

This method is used to restore large amounts of data from a file In this method you simply stream in your with SaveDocFile() saved data.

Again you have to apply for the call of this method in the Restore() call:

 void PropertyMeshKernel::Restore(Base::XMLReader &reader)
   std::string file (reader.getAttribute("file") );
   if(file == "")
     // read XML
     MeshCore::MeshDocXML restorer(*_pcMesh);
     // initate a file read

After you issued the reader.addFile() your RestoreDocFile() is called:

 void PropertyMeshKernel::RestoreDocFile(Base::Reader &reader)
     _pcMesh->Read( reader );
See also:

Reimplemented from Base::Persistence.

Definition at line 224 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

References setValues().

void PropertyCurvatureList::Save ( Base::Writer  )  const [virtual]

This method is used to save properties to an XML document.

A good example you'll find in PropertyStandard.cpp, e.g. the vector:

  void PropertyVector::Save (Writer &writer) const
     writer << writer.ind() << "<PropertyVector valueX=\"" <<  _cVec.x <<
                                            "\" valueY=\"" <<  _cVec.y <<
                                            "\" valueZ=\"" <<  _cVec.z <<"\"/>" << endl;

The writer.ind() expression writes the indention, just for pretty printing of the XML. As you see, the writing of the XML document is not done with a DOM implementation because of performance reasons. Therefore the programmer has to take care that a valid XML document is written. This means closing tags and writing UTF-8.

See also:

Implements Base::Persistence.

Definition at line 193 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

References Base::Writer::addFile(), App::Property::getName(), Base::Writer::ind(), Base::Writer::isForceXML(), and Base::Writer::Stream().

void PropertyCurvatureList::SaveDocFile ( Base::Writer  )  const [virtual]

This method is used to save large amounts of data to a binary file.

Sometimes it makes no sense to write property data as XML. In case the amount of data is too big or the data type has a more effective way to save itself. In this cases it is possible to write the data in a seperate file inside the document archive. In case you want do so you have to re-implement SaveDocFile(). First, you have to inform the framework in Save() that you want do so. Here an example from the Mesh module which can save a (pontetionaly big) triangle mesh:

 void PropertyMeshKernel::Save (Base::Writer &writer) const
   if (writer.isForceXML())
     writer << writer.ind() << "<Mesh>" << std::endl;
     MeshCore::MeshDocXML saver(*_pcMesh);
    writer << writer.ind() << "<Mesh file=\"" << writer.addFile("", this) << "\"/>" << std::endl;

The writer.isForceXML() is an indication to force you to write XML. Regardless of size and effectivness. The second part informs the Base::writer through writer.addFile("", this) that this object wants to write a file with the given name. The method addFile() returns a unique name that then is written in the XML stream. This allows your RestoreDocFile() method to identify and read the file again. Later your SaveDocFile() method is called as many times as you issued the addFile() call:

 void PropertyMeshKernel::SaveDocFile (Base::Writer &writer) const
     _pcMesh->Write( writer );

In this method you can simply stream your content to the file (Base::Writer inheriting from ostream).

Reimplemented from Base::Persistence.

Definition at line 212 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

References getSize(), and Base::Writer::Stream().

void Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::set1Value ( const int  idx,
const CurvatureInfo value 
) [inline]

Definition at line 102 of file MeshProperties.h.

void PropertyCurvatureList::setPyObject ( PyObject value  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from Base::BaseClass.

Definition at line 262 of file MeshProperties.cpp.

void Mesh::PropertyCurvatureList::setSize ( int  newSize  )  [inline, virtual]

Implements App::PropertyLists.

Definition at line 94 of file MeshProperties.h.

void PropertyCurvatureList::setValue ( const CurvatureInfo lValue  ) 
void PropertyCurvatureList::setValues ( const std::vector< CurvatureInfo > &  lValues  ) 
void PropertyCurvatureList::transform ( const Base::Matrix4D rclMat  ) 

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