
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *   Copyright (c) 2011 Werner Mayer <wmayer[at]users.sourceforge.net>     *
00003  *                                                                         *
00004  *   This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system.              *
00005  *                                                                         *
00006  *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
00007  *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public           *
00008  *   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
00009  *   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  *   This library  is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
00012  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
00014  *   GNU Library General Public License for more details.                  *
00015  *                                                                         *
00016  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
00017  *   License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,    *
00018  *   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,         *
00019  *   Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA                                *
00020  *                                                                         *
00021  ***************************************************************************/
00024 #include "PreCompiled.h"
00026 #ifndef _PreComp_
00027 # include <sstream>
00028 # include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
00029 # include <Geom_Circle.hxx>
00030 # include <gp_Circ.hxx>
00031 # include <gp_Elips.hxx>
00032 #endif
00034 #include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
00035 #include <BRepBndLib.hxx>
00036 #include <BRepBuilderAPI_Transform.hxx>
00037 #include <HLRBRep_Algo.hxx>
00038 #include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
00039 #include <HLRTopoBRep_OutLiner.hxx>
00040 //#include <BRepAPI_MakeOutLine.hxx>
00041 #include <HLRAlgo_Projector.hxx>
00042 #include <HLRBRep_ShapeBounds.hxx>
00043 #include <HLRBRep_HLRToShape.hxx>
00044 #include <gp_Ax2.hxx>
00045 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
00046 #include <gp_Dir.hxx>
00047 #include <gp_Vec.hxx>
00048 #include <Poly_Polygon3D.hxx>
00049 #include <Poly_Triangulation.hxx>
00050 #include <Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation.hxx>
00051 #include <TopoDS.hxx>
00052 #include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
00053 #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
00054 #include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
00055 #include <TopExp.hxx>
00056 #include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
00057 #include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
00058 #include <TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape.hxx>
00059 #include <TopTools_ListOfShape.hxx>
00060 #include <TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d.hxx>
00061 #include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
00062 #include <BRepMesh.hxx>
00064 #include <BRepAdaptor_CompCurve.hxx>
00065 #include <Handle_BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve.hxx>
00066 #include <Approx_Curve3d.hxx>
00067 #include <BRepAdaptor_HCurve.hxx>
00068 #include <Handle_BRepAdaptor_HCurve.hxx>
00069 #include <Geom_BSplineCurve.hxx>
00070 #include <Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve.hxx>
00071 #include <Geom_BezierCurve.hxx>
00072 #include <GeomConvert_BSplineCurveToBezierCurve.hxx>
00073 #include <GeomConvert_BSplineCurveKnotSplitting.hxx>
00074 #include <Geom2d_BSplineCurve.hxx>
00076 #include "DrawingExport.h"
00077 #include <Base/Tools.h>
00078 #include <Base/Vector3D.h>
00080 using namespace Drawing;
00082 SVGOutput::SVGOutput()
00083 {
00084 }
00086 std::string SVGOutput::exportEdges(const TopoDS_Shape& input)
00087 {
00088     std::stringstream result;
00090     TopExp_Explorer edges(input, TopAbs_EDGE);
00091     for (int i = 1 ; edges.More(); edges.Next(),i++) {
00092         const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge(edges.Current());
00093         BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt(edge);
00094         if (adapt.GetType() == GeomAbs_Circle) {
00095             printCircle(adapt, result);
00096         }
00097         else if (adapt.GetType() == GeomAbs_Ellipse) {
00098             printEllipse(adapt, i, result);
00099         }
00100         else if (adapt.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) {
00101             printBSpline(adapt, i, result);
00102         }
00103         // fallback
00104         else {
00105             printGeneric(adapt, i, result);
00106         }
00107     }
00109     return result.str();
00110 }
00112 void SVGOutput::printCircle(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, std::ostream& out)
00113 {
00114     gp_Circ circ = c.Circle();
00115     const gp_Pnt& p= circ.Location();
00116     double r = circ.Radius();
00117     double f = c.FirstParameter();
00118     double l = c.LastParameter();
00119     gp_Pnt s = c.Value(f);
00120     gp_Pnt m = c.Value((l+f)/2.0);
00121     gp_Pnt e = c.Value(l);
00123     gp_Vec v1(m,s);
00124     gp_Vec v2(m,e);
00125     gp_Vec v3(0,0,1);
00126     double a = v3.DotCross(v1,v2);
00128     // a full circle
00129     if (fabs(l-f) > 1.0 && s.SquareDistance(e) < 0.001) {
00130         out << "<circle cx =\"" << p.X() << "\" cy =\"" 
00131             << p.Y() << "\" r =\"" << r << "\" />";
00132     }
00133     // arc of circle
00134     else {
00135         // See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
00136         char xar = '0'; // x-axis-rotation
00137         char las = (l-f > D_PI) ? '1' : '0'; // large-arc-flag
00138         char swp = (a < 0) ? '1' : '0'; // sweep-flag, i.e. clockwise (0) or counter-clockwise (1)
00139         out << "<path d=\"M" << s.X() <<  " " << s.Y()
00140             << " A" << r << " " << r << " "
00141             << xar << " " << las << " " << swp << " "
00142             << e.X() << " " << e.Y() << "\" />";
00143     }
00144 }
00146 void SVGOutput::printEllipse(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, int id, std::ostream& out)
00147 {
00148     gp_Elips ellp = c.Ellipse();
00149     const gp_Pnt& p= ellp.Location();
00150     double r1 = ellp.MajorRadius();
00151     double r2 = ellp.MinorRadius();
00152     double f = c.FirstParameter();
00153     double l = c.LastParameter();
00154     gp_Pnt s = c.Value(f);
00155     gp_Pnt m = c.Value((l+f)/2.0);
00156     gp_Pnt e = c.Value(l);
00158     gp_Vec v1(m,s);
00159     gp_Vec v2(m,e);
00160     gp_Vec v3(0,0,1);
00161     double a = v3.DotCross(v1,v2);
00163     // a full ellipse
00164     if (fabs(l-f) > 1.0 && s.SquareDistance(e) < 0.001) {
00165         out << "<ellipse cx =\"" << p.X() << "\" cy =\"" 
00166             << p.Y() << "\" rx =\"" << r1 << "\"  ry =\"" << r2 << "\"/>";
00167     }
00168     // arc of ellipse
00169     else {
00170         // See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
00171         gp_Dir xaxis = ellp.XAxis().Direction();
00173         Standard_Real angle = xaxis.AngleWithRef(gp_Dir(1,0,0),gp_Dir(0,0,-1));
00174         angle = Base::toDegrees<double>(angle);
00176         char las = (l-f > D_PI) ? '1' : '0'; // large-arc-flag
00177         char swp = (a < 0) ? '1' : '0'; // sweep-flag, i.e. clockwise (0) or counter-clockwise (1)
00179         out << "<path d=\"M" << s.X() <<  " " << s.Y()
00180             << " A" << r1 << " " << r2 << " "
00181             << angle << " " << las << " " << swp << " "
00182             << e.X() << " " << e.Y() << "\" />" << std::endl;
00183     }
00184 }
00186 void SVGOutput::printBSpline(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, int id, std::ostream& out)
00187 {
00188     try {
00189         std::stringstream str;
00190         Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve spline = c.BSpline();
00191         if (spline->Degree() > 3) {
00192             Standard_Real tol3D = 0.001;
00193             Standard_Integer maxDegree = 3, maxSegment = 10;
00194             Handle_BRepAdaptor_HCurve hCurve = new BRepAdaptor_HCurve(c);
00195             // approximate the curve using a tolerance
00196             Approx_Curve3d approx(hCurve,tol3D,GeomAbs_C2,maxSegment,maxDegree);
00197             if (approx.IsDone() && approx.HasResult()) {
00198                 // have the result
00199                 spline = approx.Curve();
00200             }
00201         }
00203         GeomConvert_BSplineCurveToBezierCurve crt(spline);
00204         Standard_Integer arcs = crt.NbArcs();
00205         str << "<path d=\"M";
00206         for (Standard_Integer i=1; i<=arcs; i++) {
00207             Handle_Geom_BezierCurve bezier = crt.Arc(i);
00208             Standard_Integer poles = bezier->NbPoles();
00209             if (bezier->Degree() == 3) {
00210                 if (poles != 4)
00211                     Standard_Failure::Raise("do it the generic way");
00212                 gp_Pnt p1 = bezier->Pole(1);
00213                 gp_Pnt p2 = bezier->Pole(2);
00214                 gp_Pnt p3 = bezier->Pole(3);
00215                 gp_Pnt p4 = bezier->Pole(4);
00216                 if (i == 1) {
00217                     str << p1.X() << "," << p1.Y() << " C"
00218                         << p2.X() << "," << p2.Y() << " "
00219                         << p3.X() << "," << p3.Y() << " "
00220                         << p4.X() << "," << p4.Y() << " ";
00221                 }
00222                 else {
00223                     str << "S"
00224                         << p3.X() << "," << p3.Y() << " "
00225                         << p4.X() << "," << p4.Y() << " ";
00226                 }
00227             }
00228             else if (bezier->Degree() == 2) {
00229                 if (poles != 3)
00230                     Standard_Failure::Raise("do it the generic way");
00231                 gp_Pnt p1 = bezier->Pole(1);
00232                 gp_Pnt p2 = bezier->Pole(2);
00233                 gp_Pnt p3 = bezier->Pole(3);
00234                 if (i == 1) {
00235                     str << p1.X() << "," << p1.Y() << " Q"
00236                         << p2.X() << "," << p2.Y() << " "
00237                         << p3.X() << "," << p3.Y() << " ";
00238                 }
00239                 else {
00240                     str << "T"
00241                         << p3.X() << "," << p3.Y() << " ";
00242                 }
00243             }
00244             else {
00245                 Standard_Failure::Raise("do it the generic way");
00246             }
00247         }
00249         str << "\" />";
00250         out << str.str();
00251     }
00252     catch (Standard_Failure) {
00253         printGeneric(c, id, out);
00254     }
00255 }
00257 void SVGOutput::printGeneric(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, int id, std::ostream& out)
00258 {
00259     TopLoc_Location location;
00260     Handle(Poly_Polygon3D) polygon = BRep_Tool::Polygon3D(c.Edge(), location);
00261     if (!polygon.IsNull()) {
00262         const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& nodes = polygon->Nodes();
00263         char c = 'M';
00264         out << "<path id= \"" /*<< ViewName*/ << id << "\" d=\" "; 
00265         for (int i = nodes.Lower(); i <= nodes.Upper(); i++){
00266             out << c << " " << nodes(i).X() << " " << nodes(i).Y()<< " " ; 
00267             c = 'L';
00268         }
00269         out << "\" />" << endl;
00270     }
00271 }
00273 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00275 DXFOutput::DXFOutput()
00276 {
00277 }
00279 std::string DXFOutput::exportEdges(const TopoDS_Shape& input)
00280 {
00281     std::stringstream result;
00283     TopExp_Explorer edges(input, TopAbs_EDGE);
00284     for (int i = 1 ; edges.More(); edges.Next(),i++) {
00285         const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge(edges.Current());
00286         BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt(edge);
00287         if (adapt.GetType() == GeomAbs_Circle) {
00288             printCircle(adapt, result);
00289         }
00290         else if (adapt.GetType() == GeomAbs_Ellipse) {
00291             printEllipse(adapt, i, result);
00292         }
00293         else if (adapt.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) {
00294             printBSpline(adapt, i, result);
00295         }
00296         // fallback
00297         else {
00298             printGeneric(adapt, i, result);
00299         }
00300     }
00302     return result.str();
00303 }
00305 void DXFOutput::printHeader( std::ostream& out)
00306 {
00307         out      << 0          << endl;
00308         out << "SECTION"  << endl;
00309         out << 2          << endl;
00310         out << "ENTITIES" << endl;
00311 }
00313 void DXFOutput::printCircle(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, std::ostream& out)
00314 {
00315     gp_Circ circ = c.Circle();
00316         //const gp_Ax1& axis = c->Axis();
00317     const gp_Pnt& p= circ.Location();
00318     double r = circ.Radius();
00319     double f = c.FirstParameter();
00320     double l = c.LastParameter();
00321     gp_Pnt s = c.Value(f);
00322     gp_Pnt m = c.Value((l+f)/2.0);
00323     gp_Pnt e = c.Value(l);
00325     gp_Vec v1(m,s);
00326     gp_Vec v2(m,e);
00327     gp_Vec v3(0,0,1);
00328     double a = v3.DotCross(v1,v2);
00330     // a full circle
00331     if (s.SquareDistance(e) < 0.001) {
00332         //out << "<circle cx =\"" << p.X() << "\" cy =\"" 
00333             //<< p.Y() << "\" r =\"" << r << "\" />";
00334             out << 0                    << endl;
00335             out << "CIRCLE"             << endl;
00336             out << 8                    << endl;        // Group code for layer name
00337             out << "sheet_layer"        << endl;        // Layer number
00338             out << 10                   << endl;        // Centre X
00339             out << p.X()                << endl;        // X in WCS coordinates
00340             out << 20                   << endl;
00341             out << p.Y()                << endl;        // Y in WCS coordinates
00342             out << 30                   << endl;
00343             out << 0            << endl;        // Z in WCS coordinates-leaving flat
00344             out << 40                   << endl;        //
00345             out << r            << endl;        // Radius
00346                                 }
00350     // arc of circle
00351     else {
00352         // See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
00353         /*char xar = '0'; // x-axis-rotation
00354         char las = (l-f > D_PI) ? '1' : '0'; // large-arc-flag
00355         char swp = (a < 0) ? '1' : '0'; // sweep-flag, i.e. clockwise (0) or counter-clockwise (1)
00356         out << "<path d=\"M" << s.X() <<  " " << s.Y()
00357             << " A" << r << " " << r << " "
00358             << xar << " " << las << " " << swp << " "
00359             << e.X() << " " << e.Y() << "\" />";*/
00360         double ax = s.X() - p.X();
00361         double ay = s.Y() - p.Y();
00362         double bx = e.X() - p.X();
00363         double by = e.Y() - p.Y();
00365         double start_angle = atan2(ay, ax) * 180/D_PI;
00366         double end_angle = atan2(by, bx) * 180/D_PI;
00369         if(a > 0){
00370                 double temp = start_angle;
00371                 start_angle = end_angle;
00372                 end_angle = temp;}
00373         out << 0                        << endl;
00374         out << "ARC"            << endl;
00375         out << 8                        << endl;        // Group code for layer name
00376         out << "sheet_layer"    << endl;        // Layer number
00377         out << 10                       << endl;        // Centre X
00378         out << p.X()            << endl;        // X in WCS coordinates
00379         out << 20                       << endl;
00380         out << p.Y()            << endl;        // Y in WCS coordinates
00381         out << 30                       << endl;
00382         out << 0                << endl;        // Z in WCS coordinates
00383         out << 40                       << endl;        //
00384         out << r                << endl;        // Radius
00385         out << 50                       << endl;
00386         out << start_angle      << endl;        // Start angle
00387         out << 51                       << endl;
00388         out << end_angle        << endl;        // End angle
00392     }
00393 }
00395 void DXFOutput::printEllipse(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, int id, std::ostream& out)
00396 {
00397     gp_Elips ellp = c.Ellipse();
00398     const gp_Pnt& p= ellp.Location();
00399     double r1 = ellp.MajorRadius();
00400     double r2 = ellp.MinorRadius();
00401     double f = c.FirstParameter();
00402     double l = c.LastParameter();
00403     gp_Pnt s = c.Value(f);
00404     gp_Pnt m = c.Value((l+f)/2.0);
00405     gp_Pnt e = c.Value(l);
00407     gp_Vec v1(m,s);
00408     gp_Vec v2(m,e);
00409     gp_Vec v3(0,0,1);
00410     double a = v3.DotCross(v1,v2);
00412     // a full ellipse
00413    /* if (s.SquareDistance(e) < 0.001) {
00414         out << "<ellipse cx =\"" << p.X() << "\" cy =\"" 
00415             << p.Y() << "\" rx =\"" << r1 << "\"  ry =\"" << r2 << "\"/>";
00416     }
00417     // arc of ellipse
00418     else {
00419         // See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
00420         gp_Dir xaxis = ellp.XAxis().Direction();
00421         Standard_Real angle = xaxis.Angle(gp_Dir(1,0,0));
00422         angle = Base::toDegrees<double>(angle);
00423         char las = (l-f > D_PI) ? '1' : '0'; // large-arc-flag
00424         char swp = (a < 0) ? '1' : '0'; // sweep-flag, i.e. clockwise (0) or counter-clockwise (1)
00425         out << "<path d=\"M" << s.X() <<  " " << s.Y()
00426             << " A" << r1 << " " << r2 << " "
00427             << angle << " " << las << " " << swp << " "
00428             << e.X() << " " << e.Y() << "\" />";
00429     }*/
00430         gp_Dir xaxis = ellp.XAxis().Direction();
00431         double angle = xaxis.Angle(gp_Dir(1,0,0));
00432         //double rotation = Base::toDegrees<double>(angle);
00435         double ax = s.X() - p.X();
00436         double ay = s.Y() - p.Y();
00437         double bx = e.X() - p.X();
00438         double by = e.Y() - p.Y();
00440         double start_angle = atan2(ay, ax) * 180/D_PI;
00441         double end_angle = atan2(by, bx) * 180/D_PI;
00443         double major_x;double major_y;
00445         major_x = r1 * sin(angle*90);
00446         major_y = r1 * cos(angle*90);
00448         double ratio = r2/r1;
00450         if(a > 0){
00451                 double temp = start_angle;
00452                 start_angle = end_angle;
00453                 end_angle = temp;
00454         }
00455         out << 0                        << endl;
00456         out << "ELLIPSE"                << endl;
00457         out << 8                        << endl;        // Group code for layer name
00458         out << "sheet_layer"    << endl;        // Layer number
00459         out << 10                       << endl;        // Centre X
00460         out << p.X()            << endl;        // X in WCS coordinates
00461         out << 20                       << endl;
00462         out << p.Y()            << endl;        // Y in WCS coordinates
00463         out << 30                       << endl;
00464         out << 0                << endl;        // Z in WCS coordinates
00465         out << 11                       << endl;        //
00466         out << major_x          << endl;        // Major X
00467         out << 21                       << endl;
00468         out << major_y          << endl;        // Major Y
00469         out << 31                       << endl;
00470         out << 0                << endl;        // Major Z
00471         out << 40                       << endl;        //
00472         out << ratio            << endl;        // Ratio
00473         out << 41               << endl;
00474         out << start_angle      << endl;        // Start angle
00475         out << 42               << endl;
00476         out << end_angle        << endl;        // End angle
00477 }
00479 void DXFOutput::printBSpline(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, int id, std::ostream& out) //Not even close yet- DF 
00480 {
00481     try {
00482         std::stringstream str;
00483         Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve spline = c.BSpline();
00484         if (spline->Degree() > 3) {
00485             Standard_Real tol3D = 0.001;
00486             Standard_Integer maxDegree = 3, maxSegment = 10;
00487             Handle_BRepAdaptor_HCurve hCurve = new BRepAdaptor_HCurve(c);
00488             // approximate the curve using a tolerance
00489             Approx_Curve3d approx(hCurve,tol3D,GeomAbs_C2,maxSegment,maxDegree);
00490             if (approx.IsDone() && approx.HasResult()) {
00491                 // have the result
00492                 spline = approx.Curve();
00493             }
00494         }
00496         GeomConvert_BSplineCurveToBezierCurve crt(spline);
00497                 //GeomConvert_BSplineCurveKnotSplitting crt(spline,0);
00498         Standard_Integer arcs = crt.NbArcs();
00499                 //Standard_Integer arcs = crt.NbSplits()-1;
00500                 str << 0 << endl
00501                                 << "SECTION" << endl
00502                                 << 2 << endl
00503                                 << "ENTITIES" << endl
00504                                 << 0 << endl
00505                                 << "SPLINE" << endl;
00506                                 //<< 8 << endl
00507                                 //<< 0 << endl
00508                                 //<< 66 << endl
00509                                 //<< 1 << endl
00510                                 //<< 0 << endl;
00512         for (Standard_Integer i=1; i<=arcs; i++) {
00513             Handle_Geom_BezierCurve bezier = crt.Arc(i);
00514             Standard_Integer poles = bezier->NbPoles();
00515                         //Standard_Integer poles = bspline->NbPoles();
00516                         //gp_Pnt p1 = bspline->Pole(1);
00518             if (bezier->Degree() == 3) {
00519                 if (poles != 4)
00520                     Standard_Failure::Raise("do it the generic way");
00521                 gp_Pnt p1 = bezier->Pole(1);
00522                 gp_Pnt p2 = bezier->Pole(2);
00523                 gp_Pnt p3 = bezier->Pole(3);
00524                 gp_Pnt p4 = bezier->Pole(4);
00525                 if (i == 1) {
00526                     str 
00527                                                 << 10 << endl
00528                                                 << p1.X() << endl
00529                                                 << 20 << endl
00530                                                 << p1.Y() << endl
00531                                                 << 30 << endl
00532                                                 << 0 << endl
00534                                                 << 10 << endl
00535                         << p2.X() << endl
00536                                                 << 20 << endl
00537                                                 << p2.Y() << endl
00538                                                 << 30 << endl
00539                                                 << 0 << endl
00541                                                 << 10 << endl
00542                         << p3.X() << endl
00543                                                 << 20 << endl
00544                                                 << p3.Y() << endl
00545                                                 << 30 << endl
00546                                                 << 0 << endl
00548                                                 << 10 << endl
00549                         << p4.X() << endl
00550                                                 << 20 << endl
00551                                                 << p4.Y() << endl
00552                                                 << 30 << endl
00553                                                 << 0 << endl
00555                                                 << 12 << endl
00556                                                 << p1.X() << endl
00557                                                 << 22 << endl
00558                                                 << p1.Y() << endl
00559                                                 << 32 << endl
00560                                                 << 0 << endl
00562                                                 << 13 << endl
00563                                                 << p4.X() << endl
00564                                                 << 23 << endl
00565                                                 << p4.Y() << endl
00566                                                 << 33 << endl
00567                                                 << 0 << endl;
00568                 }
00569                 else {
00570                     str 
00571                                                 << 10 << endl
00572                         << p3.X() << endl
00573                                                 << 20 << endl
00574                                                 << p3.Y() << endl
00575                                                 << 30 << endl
00576                                                 << 0 << endl
00578                                                 << 10 << endl
00579                         << p4.X() << endl
00580                                                 << 20 << endl
00581                                                 << p4.Y() << endl
00582                                                 << 30 << endl
00583                                                 << 0 << endl
00585                                                 << 12 << endl
00586                                                 << p3.X() << endl
00587                                                 << 22 << endl
00588                                                 << p3.Y() << endl
00589                                                 << 32 << endl
00590                                                 << 0 << endl
00592                                                 << 13 << endl
00593                                                 << p4.X() << endl
00594                                                 << 23 << endl
00595                                                 << p4.Y() << endl
00596                                                 << 33 << endl
00597                                                 << 0 << endl;
00599                 }
00600             }
00601             else if (bezier->Degree() == 2) {
00602                 if (poles != 3)
00603                     Standard_Failure::Raise("do it the generic way");
00604                 gp_Pnt p1 = bezier->Pole(1);
00605                 gp_Pnt p2 = bezier->Pole(2);
00606                 gp_Pnt p3 = bezier->Pole(3);
00607                 if (i == 1) {
00608                     str 
00609                                                 << 10 << endl
00610                                                 << p1.X() << endl
00611                                                 << 20 << endl
00612                                                 << p1.Y() << endl
00613                                                 << 30 << endl
00614                                                 << 0 << endl
00616                                                 << 10 << endl
00617                         << p2.X() << endl
00618                                                 << 20 << endl
00619                                                 << p2.Y() << endl
00620                                                 << 30 << endl
00621                                                 << 0 << endl
00623                                                 << 10 << endl
00624                         << p3.X() << endl
00625                                                 << 20 << endl
00626                                                 << p3.Y() << endl
00627                                                 << 30 << endl
00628                                                 << 0 << endl
00630                                                 << 12 << endl
00631                                                 << p1.X() << endl
00632                                                 << 22 << endl
00633                                                 << p1.Y() << endl
00634                                                 << 32 << endl
00635                                                 << 0 << endl
00637                                                 << 13 << endl
00638                                                 << p3.X() << endl
00639                                                 << 23 << endl
00640                                                 << p3.Y() << endl
00641                                                 << 33 << endl
00642                                                 << 0 << endl;
00643                 }
00644                 else {
00645                     str 
00646                                                 << 10 << endl
00647                         << p3.X() << endl
00648                                                 << 20 << endl
00649                                                 << p3.Y() << endl
00650                                                 << 30 << endl
00651                                                 << 0 << endl;
00652                 }
00653             }
00654             else {
00655                 Standard_Failure::Raise("do it the generic way");
00656             }
00657         }
00659         //str << "\" />";
00660         out << str.str();
00661     }
00662     catch (Standard_Failure) {
00663         printGeneric(c, id, out);
00664     }
00665 }
00667 void DXFOutput::printGeneric(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, int id, std::ostream& out)
00668 {
00669     double uStart = c.FirstParameter();
00670     gp_Pnt PS;
00671     gp_Vec VS;
00672     c.D1(uStart, PS, VS);
00674     double uEnd = c.LastParameter();
00675     gp_Pnt PE;
00676     gp_Vec VE;
00677     c.D1(uEnd, PE, VE);
00679     out << "0"                  << endl;
00680     out << "LINE"               << endl;
00681     out << "8"                  << endl;        // Group code for layer name
00682     out << "sheet_layer" << endl; // Layer name 
00683     out << "10"                 << endl;        // Start point of line
00684     out << PS.X()               << endl;        // X in WCS coordinates
00685     out << "20"                 << endl;
00686     out << PS.Y()               << endl;        // Y in WCS coordinates
00687     out << "30"                 << endl;
00688     out << "0"          << endl;        // Z in WCS coordinates
00689     out << "11"                 << endl;        // End point of line
00690     out << PE.X()               << endl;        // X in WCS coordinates
00691     out << "21"                 << endl;
00692     out << PE.Y()               << endl;        // Y in WCS coordinates
00693     out << "31"                 << endl;
00694     out << "0"          << endl;        // Z in WCS coordinates
00695 }

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