
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *   Copyright (c) 2007                                                    *
00003  *   Joachim Zettler <>                              *                                  *
00004  *   Mohamad Najib Muhammad Noor <>                  *
00005  *                                                                         *
00006  *   This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system.              *
00007  *                                                                         *
00008  *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
00009  *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public           *
00010  *   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
00011  *   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
00012  *                                                                         *
00013  *   This library  is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
00014  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
00016  *   GNU Library General Public License for more details.                  *
00017  *                                                                         *
00018  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
00019  *   License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,    *
00020  *   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,         *
00021  *   Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA                                *
00022  *                                                                         *
00023  ***************************************************************************/
00025 /*********ROUTINE.CPP*********/
00026 #include "PreCompiled.h"
00027 #include <cmath>
00028 #include "routine.h"
00032 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
00033 #include <boost/numeric/bindings/traits/ublas_matrix.hpp>
00034 #include <boost/numeric/bindings/atlas/clapack.hpp>
00036 using namespace boost::numeric::bindings;
00037 using namespace boost::numeric;
00047 double Routines::TrapezoidIntergration(const std::vector<double> &WithRespectTo, const std::vector<double> &Integral)
00048 {
00049     m_h = 0;
00050     m_result = 0;
00051     m_N = Integral.size();
00052     if (m_N==1)  // trapzf(x,y) returns zero for a scalar x
00053     {
00054         m_result = 0;
00055         return m_result;
00056     }
00058     m_h = WithRespectTo[1] - WithRespectTo[0]; /* the integration stepsize */
00059     for (int i=1; i< m_N - 1; i++)
00060         m_result = m_result + Integral[i];
00062     m_result = m_h/2 * (Integral[0] + 2*(m_result) + Integral[m_N -1]);
00063     return m_result;
00064 }
00066 std::vector<double> Routines::NewtonStep(std::vector<double> &F,std::vector<std::vector<double> > &DF)
00067 {
00068     // löst folgendes Gleichungssystem: DF*x = F
00069     int siz = (int) F.size();
00070     std::vector<double> x_new(siz);
00071     std::vector<int> piv(siz);            // pivotelement
00073     ublas::matrix<double> A(siz, siz);
00074     ublas::matrix<double> b(1, siz);
00076     // füllt blas-matrizen
00077     for (unsigned int i=0; i<siz; ++i)
00078     {
00079         b(0,i) = -F[i];
00080         for (unsigned int j=0; j<siz; ++j)
00081         {
00082             A(i,j) = DF[i][j];
00083         }
00084     }
00086     /*cout << b(0,0) << "," << b(0,1) << "," << b(0,2) << endl;
00087     cout << A(0,0) << "," << A(0,1) << "," << A(0,2) << endl;
00088     cout << A(1,0) << "," << A(1,1) << "," << A(1,2) << endl;
00089     cout << A(2,0) << "," << A(2,1) << "," << A(2,2) << endl;*/
00092     atlas::lu_factor(A,piv);              // führt LU-Zerlegung durch
00093     atlas::getrs(A,piv,b);                // löst Gl.system A*x = b (b wird mit der Lösung überschrieben)
00095     for (unsigned int i=0; i<siz; ++i)
00096     {
00097         x_new[i] = b(0,i);
00098     }
00100     return x_new;
00101 }
00110 void Routines::CramerSolve(std::vector< std::vector<double> > &RHS1, std::vector<double>& RHS2, std::vector<double> &LHS)
00111 {
00112     double MainMatrixDet = det2(RHS1);
00113     std::vector< std::vector<double> > Temp(2,std::vector<double>(2,0.0));
00114     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
00115         for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
00116             Temp[i][j] = RHS1[i][j];
00118     //first pass
00119     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
00120         Temp[i][0] = RHS2[i];
00122     LHS[0] = det2(Temp) / MainMatrixDet;
00124     //restore
00125     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
00126         for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
00127             Temp[i][j] = RHS1[i][j];
00129     //second pass
00130     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
00131         Temp[i][1] = RHS2[i];
00133     LHS[1] = det2(Temp) / MainMatrixDet;
00134 }
00140 double Routines::CalcAngle(Base::Vector3f a,Base::Vector3f  b,Base::Vector3f c)
00141 {
00142     Base::Vector3f First = a - b;
00143     Base::Vector3f Second = c - b;
00144     Base::Vector3f Third = c - a;
00145     //double test1 = First.Length(), test2 = Second.Length(), test3 = Third.Length();
00146     double UpperTerm = (First.Length() * First.Length()) + (Second.Length() *Second.Length()) - (Third.Length() * Third.Length() );
00147     double LowerTerm = 2 * First.Length() * Second.Length() ;
00148     double ang = acos( UpperTerm / LowerTerm );
00149     return ang;
00150 }
00157 int Routines::FindSpan(int n, int p, double u, std::vector<double> KnotSequence)
00158 {
00159     if (u == KnotSequence[n+1])
00160         return n;
00161     int low, high, mid, i;
00162     i = 0;
00163     low = p;
00164     high = n+1;
00165     mid = (low+high) / 2;
00166     while (u < KnotSequence[mid] || u >= KnotSequence[mid+1])
00167     {
00168         if (u < KnotSequence[mid])
00169             high = mid;
00170         else
00171             low = mid;
00172         mid = (low + high) / 2;
00173         i++;
00174     }
00176     return mid;
00178 }
00182 void Routines::Basisfun(int i, double u, int p, std::vector<double> &KnotSequence, std::vector<double> &output)
00183 {
00184     double temp, saved;
00185     std::vector<double> leftie(p+1, 0.0);
00186     std::vector<double> rightie(p+1, 0.0);
00187     output[0] = 1.0;
00188     for (int j = 1; j <= p; j++)
00189     {
00190         leftie[j] = u - KnotSequence[i+1-j];
00191         rightie[j] = KnotSequence[i+j] - u;
00192         saved = 0.0;
00193         for (int r = 0; r < j; r++)
00194         {
00195             temp = output[r] / (rightie[r+1] + leftie[j-r]);
00196             output[r] = saved + (rightie[r+1]*temp);
00197             saved = leftie[j-r]*temp;
00198         }
00199         output[j] = saved;
00200     }
00201 }
00203 void Routines::DersBasisFuns(int i, double u, int p, int n,
00204                              std::vector<double> &KnotSequence, std::vector< std::vector<double> > &Derivate)
00205 {
00206     std::vector< std::vector<double> > ndu(p+1, std::vector<double>(p+1,0.0));
00207     std::vector< std::vector<double> > a(2, std::vector<double>(p+1,0.0));
00208     std::vector<double> leftie(p+1, 0.0);
00209     std::vector<double> rightie(p+1, 0.0);
00210     ndu[0][0] = 1.0;
00211     for (int j = 1; j <= p; j++)
00212     {
00213         leftie[j] = u - KnotSequence[i+1-j];
00214         rightie[j] = KnotSequence[i+j] - u;
00215         double saved = 0.0;
00216         for (int r = 0; r < j; r++)
00217         {
00218             ndu[j][r] = rightie[r+1] + leftie[j-r];
00219             double temp = ndu[r][j-1] / ndu[j][r];
00221             ndu[r][j] = saved + rightie[r+1]*temp;
00222             saved = leftie[j-r]*temp;
00223         }
00224         ndu[j][j] = saved;
00225     }
00226     for (int j = 0; j <= p; j++)
00227         Derivate[0][j] = ndu[j][p];
00229     for (int r = 0; r <= p; r++)
00230     {
00231         int j1, j2;
00232         int s1 = 0;
00233         int s2 = 1;
00234         a[0][0] = 1.0;
00235         for (int k = 1; k <= n; k++)
00236         {
00237             double d = 0.0;
00238             int j;
00239             int rk = r - k;
00240             int pk = p - k;
00241             if (r >= k)
00242             {
00243                 a[s2][0] = a[s1][0] / ndu[pk+1][rk];
00244                 d += a[s2][0] * ndu[rk][pk];
00245             }
00247             if (rk >= -1)
00248                 j1 = 1;
00249             else j1 = -rk;
00251             if (r -1 <= pk)
00252                 j2 = k -1;
00253             else j2 = p - r;
00255             for (j = j1; j <= j2; j++)
00256             {
00257                 a[s2][j] = (a[s1][j]-a[s1][j-1]) / ndu[pk+1][rk+j];
00258                 d += a[s2][j] *  ndu[rk+j][pk];
00259             }
00261             if (r <= pk)
00262             {
00263                 a[s2][k] = -a[s1][k-1] / ndu[pk+1][r];
00264                 d += a[s2][k] * ndu[r][pk];
00265             }
00267             Derivate[k][r] = d;
00268             j = s1;
00269             s1 = s2;
00270             s2 = j;
00273         }
00274     }
00275     int r = p;
00276     for (int k = 1; k <= n; k++)
00277     {
00278         for (int j = 0; j <= p; j++)
00279             Derivate[k][j] *= r;
00281         r*= (p-k);
00282     }
00285 }
00287 void Routines::PointNrbEval(std::vector<double> &p, std::vector<double> &CurPoint,  NURBS &MainNurb)
00288 {
00289     if (!p.empty())
00290         p.clear();
00291     int i = 0, j = 0;
00292     //val = reshape(nurbs.coefs,4*num1,num2);
00293     std::vector< std::vector<double> > CntrlPoints(((MainNurb.MaxU+1)*3), std::vector<double>((MainNurb.MaxV+1), 0.0));
00294     for (unsigned int a = 0; a < MainNurb.CntrlArray.size(); )
00295     {
00296         CntrlPoints[i][j] = MainNurb.CntrlArray[a];
00297         CntrlPoints[i+1][j] = MainNurb.CntrlArray[a+1];
00298         CntrlPoints[i+2][j] = MainNurb.CntrlArray[a+2];
00299         i += 3;
00300         a += 3;
00301         if (i == ((MainNurb.MaxU+1)*3))
00302         {
00303             i = 0;
00304             j++;
00305         }
00307     }
00308     //v direction...?
00309     i = 0;
00310     std::vector<double> Output(CntrlPoints.size(), 0.0);
00311     PointBSPEval(MainNurb.DegreeV, CntrlPoints, MainNurb.KnotV, Output, CurPoint[1]);
00312     std::vector< std::vector<double> > RedoneOutput(3, std::vector<double>(MainNurb.MaxU+1, 0.0));
00313     for (unsigned int a = 0; a < Output.size(); )
00314     {
00315         RedoneOutput[0][i] = Output[a];
00316         RedoneOutput[1][i] = Output[a+1];
00317         RedoneOutput[2][i] = Output[a+2];
00318         a += 3;
00319         i++;
00320     }
00321     std::vector<double> OutVect(4,0.0);
00322     PointBSPEval(MainNurb.DegreeU, RedoneOutput, MainNurb.KnotU, OutVect,CurPoint[0]);
00323     p.push_back(OutVect[0]);
00324     p.push_back(OutVect[1]);
00325     p.push_back(OutVect[2]);
00328 }
00331 void Routines::PointBSPEval(int Degree, std::vector< std::vector<double> > &Cntrl, std::vector<double> &KnotSequence,
00332                             std::vector< double > &Output, double CurEvalPoint)
00333 {
00334     std::vector<double> Basis(Degree+1, 0.0);
00335     int s = FindSpan(Cntrl[0].size() - 1,Degree,CurEvalPoint,KnotSequence);
00336     Basisfun(s,CurEvalPoint,Degree,KnotSequence,Basis);
00337     int tmp1 = s - Degree;
00338     for (unsigned int row = 0;row < Cntrl.size();row++)
00339     {
00340         double tmp2 = 0.0;
00341         for (int i = 0; i <= Degree; i++)
00342             tmp2 += Basis[i] *Cntrl[row][tmp1+i];
00343         Output[row] = tmp2;
00344     }
00346 }
00348 void Routines::PointNrbDerivate(NURBS MainNurb, std::vector<NURBS> &OutNurbs)
00349 {
00350     if (!OutNurbs.empty())
00351         OutNurbs.clear();
00352     NURBS Temp;
00353     int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
00354     std::vector< std::vector<double> > ControlDerivate;
00355     std::vector<double> KnotDerivate;
00356     std::vector< std::vector<double> > CntrlPoints(((MainNurb.MaxV+1)*3), std::vector<double>((MainNurb.MaxU+1), 0.0));
00357     for (unsigned int a = 0; a < MainNurb.CntrlArray.size(); )
00358     {
00359         CntrlPoints[i][j] = MainNurb.CntrlArray[a];
00360         CntrlPoints[i+1][j] = MainNurb.CntrlArray[a+1];
00361         CntrlPoints[i+2][j] = MainNurb.CntrlArray[a+2];
00362         j++;
00363         a += 3;
00364         i = k*3;
00365         if (j == (MainNurb.MaxU+1))
00366         {
00367             j = 0;
00368             k++;
00369             i = k*3;
00370         }
00372     }
00374     //U derivate
00375     bspderiv(MainNurb.DegreeU, CntrlPoints, MainNurb.KnotU, ControlDerivate, KnotDerivate);
00376     Temp.CntrlArray.resize(ControlDerivate.size() * ControlDerivate[0].size());
00377     i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
00378     for (unsigned int a = 0; a < Temp.CntrlArray.size(); )
00379     {
00380         Temp.CntrlArray[a] = ControlDerivate[i][j];
00381         Temp.CntrlArray[a+1] = ControlDerivate[i+1][j];
00382         Temp.CntrlArray[a+2] = ControlDerivate[i+2][j];
00383         j++;
00384         a += 3;
00385         i = k*3;
00386         if (j == (int)ControlDerivate[i].size())
00387         {
00388             j = 0;
00389             k++;
00390             i = k*3;
00391         }
00392     }
00393     Temp.KnotU = KnotDerivate;
00394     Temp.KnotV = MainNurb.KnotV;
00395     Temp.MaxKnotU = Temp.KnotU.size();
00396     Temp.MaxKnotV = Temp.KnotV.size();
00397     Temp.MaxU = ControlDerivate[0].size();
00398     Temp.MaxV = ControlDerivate.size() / 3;
00399     Temp.DegreeU = Temp.MaxKnotU - Temp.MaxU - 1;
00400     Temp.DegreeV = Temp.MaxKnotV - Temp.MaxV - 1;
00401     Temp.MaxU--;
00402     Temp.MaxV--;
00403     OutNurbs.push_back(Temp);
00404     //reset
00405     i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
00406     CntrlPoints.clear();
00407     ControlDerivate.clear();
00408     KnotDerivate.clear();
00409     CntrlPoints.resize((MainNurb.MaxU+1)*3);
00410     for (unsigned int a = 0; a < CntrlPoints.size(); a++)
00411         CntrlPoints[a].resize(MainNurb.MaxV+1);
00413     for (unsigned int a = 0; a < MainNurb.CntrlArray.size(); )
00414     {
00415         CntrlPoints[i][j] = MainNurb.CntrlArray[a];
00416         CntrlPoints[i+1][j] = MainNurb.CntrlArray[a+1];
00417         CntrlPoints[i+2][j] = MainNurb.CntrlArray[a+2];
00418         i += 3;
00419         a += 3;
00420         if (i == ((MainNurb.MaxU+1)*3))
00421         {
00422             i = 0;
00423             j++;
00424         }
00426     }
00427     //V derivate
00428     bspderiv(MainNurb.DegreeV, CntrlPoints, MainNurb.KnotV, ControlDerivate, KnotDerivate);
00429     Temp.CntrlArray.resize(ControlDerivate.size() * ControlDerivate[0].size());
00430     i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
00431     for (unsigned int a = 0; a < Temp.CntrlArray.size(); )
00432     {
00433         Temp.CntrlArray[a] = ControlDerivate[i][j];
00434         Temp.CntrlArray[a+1] = ControlDerivate[i+1][j];
00435         Temp.CntrlArray[a+2] = ControlDerivate[i+2][j];
00436         a += 3;
00437         i += 3;
00438         if (i == (int)ControlDerivate.size())
00439         {
00440             j++;
00441             i = 0;
00442         }
00443     }
00444     Temp.KnotU = MainNurb.KnotU;
00445     Temp.KnotV = KnotDerivate;
00446     Temp.MaxKnotU = Temp.KnotU.size();
00447     Temp.MaxKnotV = Temp.KnotV.size();
00448     Temp.MaxU = ControlDerivate.size() / 3;
00449     Temp.MaxV = ControlDerivate[0].size();
00450     Temp.DegreeU = Temp.MaxKnotU - Temp.MaxU - 1;
00451     Temp.DegreeV = Temp.MaxKnotV - Temp.MaxV - 1;
00452     Temp.MaxU--;
00453     Temp.MaxV--;
00454     OutNurbs.push_back(Temp);
00455 }
00458 void Routines::bspderiv(int d, std::vector< std::vector<double> > &c, std::vector<double> &k,
00459                         std::vector< std::vector<double> > &OutputC, std::vector<double> &Outputk)
00460 {
00461     OutputC.resize(c.size());
00462     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < OutputC.size();  i++)
00463         OutputC[i].resize(c[i].size()-1);
00465     double tmp = 0.0;
00467     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < OutputC[0].size(); i++)
00468     {
00469         tmp = d / (k[i+d+1]-k[i+1]);
00470         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < OutputC.size(); j++)
00471             OutputC[j][i] = tmp * (c[j][i+1] -  c[j][i]);
00472     }
00473     Outputk.resize(k.size() - 2);
00474     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Outputk.size(); i++)
00475         Outputk[i] = k[i+1];
00476 }
00479 void Routines::NrbDEval(NURBS &MainNurb, std::vector<NURBS> &DerivNurb, std::vector<double> &Point,
00480                         std::vector<double> &EvalPoint, std::vector<std::vector<double> > &jac)
00481 {
00482     if (!EvalPoint.empty())
00483         EvalPoint.clear();
00484     if (!jac.empty())
00485         jac.clear();
00486     std::vector<double> TempoPointDeriv;
00487     PointNrbEval(EvalPoint, Point, MainNurb);
00488     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DerivNurb.size(); i++)
00489     {
00490         PointNrbEval(TempoPointDeriv, Point, DerivNurb[i]);
00491         jac.push_back(TempoPointDeriv);
00492         TempoPointDeriv.clear();
00493     }
00494 }
00497 void Routines::GenerateUniformKnot(int MaxCntrl, int NurbDegree, std::vector<double> &KnotSequence)
00498 {
00499     if (!KnotSequence.empty())
00500         KnotSequence.clear();
00502     for (int i = 0; i < (MaxCntrl + NurbDegree + 2); i++)
00503         KnotSequence.push_back(0);
00505     for (int i = NurbDegree; i < MaxCntrl; i++)
00506         KnotSequence[i+1] = (double)(i - NurbDegree + 1.0) / (double)(MaxCntrl - NurbDegree + 1.0);
00508     for (unsigned int i = MaxCntrl+1; i < KnotSequence.size(); i++)
00509         KnotSequence[i] = 1;
00511 }
00518 unsigned long Routines::FindCorner(float ParamX, float ParamY, std::vector<unsigned long> &v_neighbour, std::vector <Base::Vector3f> &v_pnts)
00519 {
00520     unsigned int j = 0;
00521     bool change = false;
00522     //double distance = sqrt(((ParamX - ParameterMesh.GetPoint(v_neighbour[0])[0])*(ParamX - ParameterMesh.GetPoint(v_neighbour[0])[0])) +
00523     // ((ParamY - ParameterMesh.GetPoint(v_neighbour[0])[1])*(ParamY - ParameterMesh.GetPoint(v_neighbour[0])[1])));
00524     double distance = sqrt(((ParamX - v_pnts[0][0])*(ParamX -  v_pnts[0][0])) +
00525                            ((ParamY -  v_pnts[0][1])*(ParamY -  v_pnts[0][1])));
00526     for (unsigned int k = 1; k < v_neighbour.size(); ++k)
00527     {
00528         double eps= sqrt(((ParamX -  v_pnts[k][0])*(ParamX -  v_pnts[k][0])) +
00529                          ((ParamY -  v_pnts[k][1])*(ParamY -  v_pnts[k][1])));
00530         if (eps < distance)
00531         {
00532             distance = eps;
00533             j = k;
00534             change = true;
00535         }
00537     }
00538     if (change)
00539         return v_neighbour[j];
00540     else return v_neighbour[0];
00541 }
00545 double Routines::AreaTriangle(Base::Vector3f &a, Base::Vector3f &b, Base::Vector3f &c)
00546 {
00547     /*   a
00548     *    x----->x  b
00549     *     \    /
00550     *      \  /
00551     *       \/
00552     *       V
00553     *  x c
00554     */
00555     Base::Vector3f First = b - a;
00556     Base::Vector3f Second = c - a;
00557     std::vector < std::vector<double> > Matrix(2, std::vector<double>(2));
00558     Matrix[0][0] = First.x;
00559     Matrix[1][0] = First.y;
00560     Matrix[0][1] = Second.x;
00561     Matrix[1][1] = Second.y;
00562     return (0.5 * det2(Matrix));
00563 }
00572 void Routines::ExtendKnot(double ErrPnt, int NurbDegree, int MaxCntrl, std::vector<double> &KnotSequence)
00573 {
00574     double tol_knot = 0.02;
00575     int ind_1 = 0;
00576     double new1 = 0;
00577     int ind_2 = 0;
00578     double new2 = 0;
00579     bool flag = false;
00581     if (KnotSequence.size()>40)
00582         tol_knot = 0.015;
00584     for (unsigned int i = NurbDegree; i < (KnotSequence.size() - NurbDegree); i++)
00585     {
00586         if ((KnotSequence[i] > ErrPnt) && (ErrPnt >= KnotSequence[i-1]))
00587         {
00588             ind_1 = i;
00589             new1 = (KnotSequence[ind_1] + KnotSequence[ind_1-1]) / 2;
00591         }
00592     }
00593     //START CHANGE
00594     if (!flag)
00595     {
00596         double mid = (double)KnotSequence.size() / 2.0;
00598         if (ind_1 == mid)
00599         {
00601             KnotSequence.resize(KnotSequence.size() + 2);
00602             //MainNurb.MaxKnotU += 2;
00603             for (int i = KnotSequence.size() - 1; i > ind_1; i--)
00604                 KnotSequence[i] = KnotSequence[i-2];
00605             KnotSequence[ind_1] = KnotSequence[ind_1-1] + ((new1 - KnotSequence[ind_1-1]) / 2.0);
00606             KnotSequence[ind_1+1] = new1 +((new1 - KnotSequence[ind_1-1]) / 2.0);
00608         }
00609         else
00610         {
00611             double temp = mid - ((double)ind_1);
00612             ind_2 = (int)(mid + temp);
00613             new2 = (KnotSequence[ind_2-1] + KnotSequence[ind_2]) / 2.0;
00614             if (ind_1 < ind_2)
00615                 Extension(KnotSequence,ind_1,ind_2,new1,new2);
00616             else
00617                 Extension(KnotSequence,ind_2,ind_1,new2,new1);
00618         }
00619     }
00620     else
00621     {
00622         if (ind_1 < ind_2)
00623             Extension(KnotSequence,ind_1,ind_2,new1,new2);
00624         else
00625             Extension(KnotSequence,ind_2,ind_1,new2,new1);
00626     }
00627 }
00630 void Routines::Extension(std::vector<double> &KnotSequence, int SmallerIndex, int LargerIndex, double SmallerIndNewValue,
00631                          double LargerIndNewValue)
00632 {
00633     KnotSequence.resize(KnotSequence.size() + 1);
00635     for (int i = KnotSequence.size() - 1; i > SmallerIndex; i--)
00636         KnotSequence[i] = KnotSequence[i-1];
00638     KnotSequence[SmallerIndex] = SmallerIndNewValue;
00640     LargerIndex++;
00641     KnotSequence.resize(KnotSequence.size() + 1);
00643     for (int i = KnotSequence.size() - 1; i > LargerIndex; i--)
00644         KnotSequence[i] = KnotSequence[i-1];
00646     KnotSequence[LargerIndex] = LargerIndNewValue;
00647 }

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