boost::numeric::bindings::atlas Namespace Reference


namespace  detail


struct  storage_order
struct  storage_order< traits::column_major_t >
struct  storage_order< traits::row_major_t >
struct  uplo_triang
struct  uplo_triang< traits::lower_t >
struct  uplo_triang< traits::upper_t >


template<typename Vct >
traits::type_traits< typename
traits::vector_traits< Vct >
::value_type >::real_type 
asum (Vct const &x)
template<typename T , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void axpby (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, T const &beta, VctY &y)
template<typename T , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void axpy (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY &y)
template<typename SymmA >
int cholesky_factor (SymmA &a)
template<typename SymmA >
int cholesky_invert (SymmA &a)
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int cholesky_solve (SymmA &a, MatrB &b)
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int cholesky_substitute (SymmA const &a, MatrB &b)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void copy (VctX const &x, VctY &y)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
traits::vector_traits< VctX >
dot (VctX const &x, VctY const &y)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void dotc (VctX const &x, VctY const &y, typename traits::vector_traits< VctX >::value_type &val)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
traits::vector_traits< VctX >
dotc (VctX const &x, VctY const &y)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void dotu (VctX const &x, VctY const &y, typename traits::vector_traits< VctX >::value_type &val)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
traits::vector_traits< VctX >
dotu (VctX const &x, VctY const &y)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
double dsdot (VctX const &x, VctY const &y)
template<typename E1 , typename E2 >
E1 enum_cast (E2 e2)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void gemm (MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, MatrC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void gemm (T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, MatrC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void gemm (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE const TransA, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE const TransB, T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, MatrC &c)
template<typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void gemv (Matr const &a, VctX const &x, VctY &y)
template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void gemv (T const &alpha, Matr const &a, VctX const &x, T const &beta, VctY &y)
template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void gemv (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE const TransA, T const &alpha, Matr const &a, VctX const &x, T const &beta, VctY &y)
template<typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void ger (VctX const &x, VctY const &y, Matr &a)
template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void ger (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y, Matr &a)
template<typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void gerc (VctX const &x, VctY const &y, Matr &a)
template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void gerc (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y, Matr &a)
template<typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void geru (VctX const &x, VctY const &y, Matr &a)
template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void geru (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y, Matr &a)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB >
int gesv (MatrA &a, MatrB &b)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename IVec >
int gesv (MatrA &a, IVec &ipiv, MatrB &b)
template<typename MatrA , typename IVec >
int getrf (MatrA &a, IVec &ipiv)
template<typename MatrA , typename IVec >
int getri (MatrA &a, IVec const &ipiv)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename IVec >
int getrs (MatrA const &a, IVec const &ipiv, MatrB &b)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename IVec >
int getrs (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE const Trans, MatrA const &a, IVec const &ipiv, MatrB &b)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void hemm (MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, MatrC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void hemm (T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, MatrC &c)
template<typename T , typename HermA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void hemm (CBLAS_SIDE const side, T const &alpha, HermA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, MatrC &c)
template<typename T , typename HermA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void hemm (CBLAS_SIDE const side, CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, T const &alpha, HermA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, MatrC &c)
template<typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void hemv (HermMatr const &a, VctX const &x, VctY &y)
template<typename T , typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void hemv (T const &alpha, HermMatr const &a, VctX const &x, T const &beta, VctY &y)
template<typename T , typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void hemv (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, T const &alpha, HermMatr const &a, VctX const &x, T const &beta, VctY &y)
template<typename HermM , typename VctX >
void her (VctX const &x, HermM &a)
template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX >
void her (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, HermM &a)
template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX >
void her (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, T const &alpha, VctX const &x, HermM &a)
template<typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void her2 (VctX const &x, VctY const &y, HermM &a)
template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void her2 (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y, HermM &a)
template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void her2 (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y, HermM &a)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename HermC >
void her2k (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, HermC &c)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename HermC >
void her2k (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, T1 const &alpha, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, T2 const &beta, HermC &c)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename HermC >
void her2k (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, T1 const &alpha, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, T2 const &beta, HermC &c)
template<typename MatrA , typename HermC >
void herk (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, MatrA const &a, HermC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename HermC >
void herk (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, T const &beta, HermC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename HermC >
void herk (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, T const &beta, HermC &c)
template<typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void hpmv (HermMatr const &a, VctX const &x, VctY &y)
template<typename T , typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void hpmv (T const &alpha, HermMatr const &a, VctX const &x, T const &beta, VctY &y)
template<typename HermM , typename VctX >
void hpr (VctX const &x, HermM &a)
template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX >
void hpr (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, HermM &a)
template<typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void hpr2 (VctX const &x, VctY const &y, HermM &a)
template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void hpr2 (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y, HermM &a)
template<typename Vct >
CBLAS_INDEX iamax (Vct const &x)
template<typename MatrA , typename IVec >
int lu_factor (MatrA &a, IVec &ipiv)
template<typename MatrA , typename IVec >
int lu_invert (MatrA &a, IVec &ipiv)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB >
int lu_solve (MatrA &a, MatrB &b)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename IVec >
int lu_substitute (MatrA const &a, IVec const &ipiv, MatrB &b)
template<typename Vct >
traits::type_traits< typename
traits::vector_traits< Vct >
::value_type >::real_type 
nrm2 (Vct const &x)
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int posv (SymmA &a, MatrB &b)
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int posv (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, SymmA &a, MatrB &b)
template<typename SymmA >
int potrf (SymmA &a)
template<typename SymmA >
int potrf (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, SymmA &a)
template<typename SymmA >
int potri (SymmA &a)
template<typename SymmA >
int potri (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, SymmA &a)
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int potrs (SymmA const &a, MatrB &b)
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int potrs (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, SymmA const &a, MatrB &b)
template<typename T , typename Vct >
void scal (T const &alpha, Vct &x)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
float sdsdot (float const alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y)
template<typename T , typename Vct >
void set (T const &alpha, Vct &x)
template<typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void spmv (SymmMatr const &a, VctX const &x, VctY &y)
template<typename T , typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void spmv (T const &alpha, SymmMatr const &a, VctX const &x, T const &beta, VctY &y)
template<typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void spr (VctX const &x, SymmM &a)
template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void spr (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, SymmM &a)
template<typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void spr2 (VctX const &x, VctY const &y, SymmM &a)
template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void spr2 (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y, SymmM &a)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void swap (VctX &x, VctY &y)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void symm (MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, MatrC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void symm (T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, MatrC &c)
template<typename T , typename SymmA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void symm (CBLAS_SIDE const side, T const &alpha, SymmA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, MatrC &c)
template<typename T , typename SymmA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void symm (CBLAS_SIDE const side, CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, T const &alpha, SymmA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, MatrC &c)
template<typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void symv (SymmMatr const &a, VctX const &x, VctY &y)
template<typename T , typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void symv (T const &alpha, SymmMatr const &a, VctX const &x, T const &beta, VctY &y)
template<typename T , typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void symv (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, T const &alpha, SymmMatr const &a, VctX const &x, T const &beta, VctY &y)
template<typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void syr (VctX const &x, SymmM &a)
template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void syr (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, SymmM &a)
template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void syr (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, T const &alpha, VctX const &x, SymmM &a)
template<typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void syr2 (VctX const &x, VctY const &y, SymmM &a)
template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void syr2 (T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y, SymmM &a)
template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void syr2 (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, T const &alpha, VctX const &x, VctY const &y, SymmM &a)
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename SymmC >
void syr2k (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, SymmC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename SymmC >
void syr2k (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, SymmC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename SymmC >
void syr2k (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, MatrB const &b, T const &beta, SymmC &c)
template<typename MatrA , typename SymmC >
void syrk (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, MatrA const &a, SymmC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename SymmC >
void syrk (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, T const &beta, SymmC &c)
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename SymmC >
void syrk (CBLAS_UPLO const uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, T const &alpha, MatrA const &a, T const &beta, SymmC &c)
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void xpy (VctX const &x, VctY &y)

Function Documentation

template<typename Vct >
traits::type_traits< typename traits::vector_traits<Vct>::value_type >::real_type boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::asum ( Vct const &  x  )  [inline]
template<typename T , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::axpby ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
T const &  beta,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::axpy ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmA >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::cholesky_factor ( SymmA &  a  )  [inline]

Definition at line 557 of file clapack.hpp.

References potrf().

template<typename SymmA >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::cholesky_invert ( SymmA &  a  )  [inline]

Definition at line 777 of file clapack.hpp.

References potri().

template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::cholesky_solve ( SymmA &  a,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 487 of file clapack.hpp.

References posv().

template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::cholesky_substitute ( SymmA const &  a,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 678 of file clapack.hpp.

References potrs().

template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::copy ( VctX const &  x,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
traits::vector_traits<VctX>::value_type boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::dot ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::dotc ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
typename traits::vector_traits< VctX >::value_type &  val 
) [inline]
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
traits::vector_traits<VctX>::value_type boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::dotc ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::dotu ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
typename traits::vector_traits< VctX >::value_type &  val 
) [inline]
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
traits::vector_traits<VctX>::value_type boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::dotu ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
double boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::dsdot ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename E1 , typename E2 >
E1 boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::enum_cast ( E2  e2  )  [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gemm ( MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 135 of file cblas3.hpp.

References CblasNoTrans, and gemm().

template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gemm ( T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 125 of file cblas3.hpp.

References CblasNoTrans, and gemm().

template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gemm ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE const   TransA,
T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]
template<typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gemv ( Matr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 95 of file cblas2.hpp.

References CblasNoTrans, and gemv().

template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gemv ( T const &  alpha,
Matr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
T const &  beta,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file cblas2.hpp.

References CblasNoTrans, and gemv().

template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gemv ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE const   TransA,
T const &  alpha,
Matr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
T const &  beta,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::ger ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
Matr &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 539 of file cblas2.hpp.

References ger().

template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::ger ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
Matr &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gerc ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
Matr &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 651 of file cblas2.hpp.

References gerc().

template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gerc ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
Matr &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::geru ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
Matr &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 595 of file cblas2.hpp.

References geru().

template<typename T , typename Matr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::geru ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
Matr &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gesv ( MatrA &  a,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename IVec >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::gesv ( MatrA &  a,
IVec &  ipiv,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename IVec >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::getrf ( MatrA &  a,
IVec &  ipiv 
) [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename IVec >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::getri ( MatrA &  a,
IVec const &  ipiv 
) [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename IVec >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::getrs ( MatrA const &  a,
IVec const &  ipiv,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 313 of file clapack.hpp.

References CblasNoTrans, and getrs().

template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename IVec >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::getrs ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE const   Trans,
MatrA const &  a,
IVec const &  ipiv,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hemm ( MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 676 of file cblas3.hpp.

References hemm().

template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hemm ( T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 640 of file cblas3.hpp.

References SketcherExample::f, Py::type(), and Py::value().

template<typename T , typename HermA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hemm ( CBLAS_SIDE const   side,
T const &  alpha,
HermA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename HermA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hemm ( CBLAS_SIDE const   side,
CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
HermA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 499 of file cblas3.hpp.

References boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::detail::hemm(), and Py::value().

Referenced by hemm().

template<typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hemv ( HermMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 415 of file cblas2.hpp.

References hemv().

template<typename T , typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hemv ( T const &  alpha,
HermMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
T const &  beta,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hemv ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
HermMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
T const &  beta,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename HermM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::her ( VctX const &  x,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1077 of file cblas2.hpp.

References her().

template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::her ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::her ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::her2 ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1249 of file cblas2.hpp.

References her2().

template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::her2 ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::her2 ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename HermC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::her2k ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  trans,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
HermC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1204 of file cblas3.hpp.

References her2k().

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename HermC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::her2k ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  trans,
T1 const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T2 const &  beta,
HermC &  c 
) [inline]
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename HermC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::her2k ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T1 const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T2 const &  beta,
HermC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1159 of file cblas3.hpp.

References boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::detail::her2k(), and Py::value().

Referenced by her2k().

template<typename MatrA , typename HermC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::herk ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  trans,
MatrA const &  a,
HermC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1060 of file cblas3.hpp.

References herk().

template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename HermC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::herk ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  trans,
T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
T const &  beta,
HermC &  c 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename HermC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::herk ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
T const &  beta,
HermC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1016 of file cblas3.hpp.

References boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::detail::herk(), and Py::value().

Referenced by herk().

template<typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hpmv ( HermMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 482 of file cblas2.hpp.

References hpmv().

template<typename T , typename HermMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hpmv ( T const &  alpha,
HermMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
T const &  beta,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename HermM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hpr ( VctX const &  x,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1137 of file cblas2.hpp.

References hpr().

template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hpr ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hpr2 ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1315 of file cblas2.hpp.

References hpr2().

template<typename T , typename HermM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::hpr2 ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
HermM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename Vct >
CBLAS_INDEX boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::iamax ( Vct const &  x  )  [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename IVec >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::lu_factor ( MatrA &  a,
IVec &  ipiv 
) [inline]

Definition at line 241 of file clapack.hpp.

References getrf().

Referenced by UniGridApprox::MatComp(), and Routines::NewtonStep().

template<typename MatrA , typename IVec >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::lu_invert ( MatrA &  a,
IVec &  ipiv 
) [inline]

Definition at line 363 of file clapack.hpp.

References getri().

template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::lu_solve ( MatrA &  a,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file clapack.hpp.

References gesv().

template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename IVec >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::lu_substitute ( MatrA const &  a,
IVec const &  ipiv,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 319 of file clapack.hpp.

References CblasNoTrans, and getrs().

template<typename Vct >
traits::type_traits< typename traits::vector_traits<Vct>::value_type >::real_type boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::nrm2 ( Vct const &  x  )  [inline]
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::posv ( SymmA &  a,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::posv ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
SymmA &  a,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmA >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::potrf ( SymmA &  a  )  [inline]
template<typename SymmA >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::potrf ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
SymmA &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmA >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::potri ( SymmA &  a  )  [inline]
template<typename SymmA >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::potri ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
SymmA &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::potrs ( SymmA const &  a,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmA , typename MatrB >
int boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::potrs ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
SymmA const &  a,
MatrB &  b 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename Vct >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::scal ( T const &  alpha,
Vct &  x 
) [inline]
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
float boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::sdsdot ( float const   alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename Vct >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::set ( T const &  alpha,
Vct &  x 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::spmv ( SymmMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 299 of file cblas2.hpp.

References spmv().

template<typename T , typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::spmv ( T const &  alpha,
SymmMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
T const &  beta,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::spr ( VctX const &  x,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 805 of file cblas2.hpp.

References spr().

template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::spr ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::spr2 ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 982 of file cblas2.hpp.

References spr2().

template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::spr2 ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::swap ( VctX &  x,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::symm ( MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 408 of file cblas3.hpp.

References symm().

template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::symm ( T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 372 of file cblas3.hpp.

References SketcherExample::f, Py::type(), and Py::value().

template<typename T , typename SymmA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::symm ( CBLAS_SIDE const   side,
T const &  alpha,
SymmA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename SymmA , typename MatrB , typename MatrC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::symm ( CBLAS_SIDE const   side,
CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
SymmA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
MatrC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 228 of file cblas3.hpp.

References boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::detail::symm(), and Py::value().

Referenced by symm().

template<typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::symv ( SymmMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 220 of file cblas2.hpp.

References symv().

template<typename T , typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::symv ( T const &  alpha,
SymmMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
T const &  beta,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename SymmMatr , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::symv ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
SymmMatr const &  a,
VctX const &  x,
T const &  beta,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syr ( VctX const &  x,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 746 of file cblas2.hpp.

References syr().

template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syr ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syr ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syr2 ( VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 916 of file cblas2.hpp.

References syr2().

template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syr2 ( T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename SymmM , typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syr2 ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
VctX const &  x,
VctY const &  y,
SymmM &  a 
) [inline]
template<typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename SymmC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syr2k ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  trans,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
SymmC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 938 of file cblas3.hpp.

References syr2k().

template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename SymmC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syr2k ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  trans,
T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
SymmC &  c 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename MatrB , typename SymmC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syr2k ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
MatrB const &  b,
T const &  beta,
SymmC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 894 of file cblas3.hpp.

References boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::detail::syr2k(), and Py::value().

Referenced by syr2k().

template<typename MatrA , typename SymmC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syrk ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  trans,
MatrA const &  a,
SymmC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 796 of file cblas3.hpp.

References syrk().

template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename SymmC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syrk ( CBLAS_TRANSPOSE  trans,
T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
T const &  beta,
SymmC &  c 
) [inline]
template<typename T , typename MatrA , typename SymmC >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::syrk ( CBLAS_UPLO const   uplo,
T const &  alpha,
MatrA const &  a,
T const &  beta,
SymmC &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 752 of file cblas3.hpp.

References boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::detail::syrk(), and Py::value().

Referenced by syrk().

template<typename VctX , typename VctY >
void boost::numeric::bindings::atlas::xpy ( VctX const &  x,
VctY &  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 101 of file cblas1.hpp.

References axpy().

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