
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *   Copyright (c) 2004 Werner Mayer <wmayer[at]users.sourceforge.net>     *
00003  *                                                                         *
00004  *   This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system.              *
00005  *                                                                         *
00006  *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
00007  *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public           *
00008  *   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
00009  *   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  *   This library  is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
00012  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
00014  *   GNU Library General Public License for more details.                  *
00015  *                                                                         *
00016  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
00017  *   License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,    *
00018  *   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,         *
00019  *   Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA                                *
00020  *                                                                         *
00021  ***************************************************************************/
00024 #ifndef POINTS_GRID_H
00025 #define POINTS_GRID_H
00027 #include <set>
00029 #include "Points.h"
00030 #include <Base/Vector3D.h>
00031 #include <Base/BoundBox.h>
00033 #define  POINTS_CT_GRID          256     // Default value for number of elements per grid
00034 #define  POINTS_MAX_GRIDS        100000  // Default value for maximum number of grids
00035 #define  POINTS_CT_GRID_PER_AXIS 20
00036 #define  PONTSGRID_BBOX_EXTENSION 10.0f
00039 namespace Points {
00040 class PointsGrid;
00049 class PointsExport PointsGrid
00050 {
00051 public:
00055   PointsGrid (const PointKernel &rclM);
00057   PointsGrid (void);
00059   PointsGrid (const PointKernel &rclM, int   iCtGridPerAxis);
00061   PointsGrid (const PointKernel &rclM, double fGridLen);
00063   PointsGrid (const PointKernel &rclM, unsigned long ulX, unsigned long ulY, unsigned long ulZ);
00065   virtual ~PointsGrid (void) { }
00068 public:
00071   virtual void Attach (const PointKernel &rclM);
00073   virtual void Rebuild (unsigned long ulPerGrid = POINTS_CT_GRID, unsigned long ulMaxGrid = POINTS_MAX_GRIDS);
00075   virtual void Rebuild (int iCtGridPerAxis = POINTS_CT_GRID_PER_AXIS);
00077   virtual void Rebuild (unsigned long ulX, unsigned long ulY, unsigned long ulZ);
00082   virtual unsigned long InSide (const Base::BoundBox3d &rclBB, std::vector<unsigned long> &raulElements, bool bDelDoubles = true) const;
00084   virtual unsigned long InSide (const Base::BoundBox3d &rclBB, std::set<unsigned long> &raulElementss) const;
00086   virtual unsigned long InSide (const Base::BoundBox3d &rclBB, std::vector<unsigned long> &raulElements,
00087                                 const Base::Vector3d &rclOrg, float fMaxDist, bool bDelDoubles = true) const;
00089   void SearchNearestFromPoint (const Base::Vector3d &rclPt, std::set<unsigned long> &rclInd) const;
00093   virtual void  GetGridLengths (double &rfLenX, double &rfLenY, double &rfLenZ) const
00094   { rfLenX = _fGridLenX; rfLenY = _fGridLenY; rfLenZ = _fGridLenZ; }
00096   virtual void GetCtGrids (unsigned long &rulX, unsigned long &rulY, unsigned long &rulZ) const
00097   { rulX = _ulCtGridsX;  rulY = _ulCtGridsY;  rulZ = _ulCtGridsZ; }
00102   inline Base::BoundBox3d  GetBoundBox (unsigned long ulX, unsigned long ulY, unsigned long ulZ) const;
00104   inline Base::BoundBox3d  GetBoundBox     (void) const;
00107   unsigned long GetCtElements(unsigned long ulX, unsigned long ulY, unsigned long ulZ) const
00108   { return _aulGrid[ulX][ulY][ulZ].size(); }
00110   unsigned long FindElements(const Base::Vector3d &rclPoint, std::set<unsigned long>& aulElements) const;
00112   virtual void Validate (const PointKernel &rclM);
00114   virtual void Validate (void);
00116   virtual bool Verify() const;
00119   virtual void Position (const Base::Vector3d &rclPoint, unsigned long &rulX, unsigned long &rulY, unsigned long &rulZ) const;
00121   unsigned long GetElements (unsigned long ulX, unsigned long ulY, unsigned long ulZ,  std::set<unsigned long> &raclInd) const;
00123 protected:
00125   inline bool CheckPos (unsigned long ulX, unsigned long ulY, unsigned long ulZ) const;
00127   virtual void InitGrid (void);
00129   virtual void Clear (void);
00131   virtual void CalculateGridLength (unsigned long ulCtGrid, unsigned long ulMaxGrids);
00133   virtual void CalculateGridLength (int    iCtGridPerAxis);
00135   virtual void RebuildGrid (void);
00137   unsigned long HasElements (void) const
00138   { return _pclPoints->size(); }
00140   void GetHull (unsigned long ulX, unsigned long ulY, unsigned long ulZ, unsigned long ulDistance, std::set<unsigned long> &raclInd) const;
00142 protected:
00143   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::set<unsigned long> > > >  _aulGrid;   
00144   const PointKernel* _pclPoints;  
00145   unsigned long     _ulCtElements;
00146   unsigned long     _ulCtGridsX;  
00147   unsigned long     _ulCtGridsY;  
00148   unsigned long     _ulCtGridsZ;  
00149   double             _fGridLenX;   
00150   double             _fGridLenY;   
00151   double             _fGridLenZ;   
00152   double             _fMinX;       
00153   double             _fMinY;       
00154   double             _fMinZ;       
00156   // friends
00157   friend class PointsGridIterator;
00158   friend class PointsGridIteratorStatistic;
00160 public:
00162 protected:
00165   void AddPoint (const Base::Vector3d &rclPt, unsigned long ulPtIndex, float fEpsilon = 0.0f);
00167   void Pos(const Base::Vector3d &rclPoint, unsigned long &rulX, unsigned long &rulY, unsigned long &rulZ) const;
00168 };
00174 class PointsExport PointsGridIterator
00175 {
00176 public:
00178   PointsGridIterator (const PointsGrid &rclG);
00180   Base::BoundBox3d GetBoundBox (void) const
00181   { return _rclGrid.GetBoundBox(_ulX, _ulY, _ulZ); }
00183   void GetElements (std::vector<unsigned long> &raulElements) const
00184   {
00185     raulElements.insert(raulElements.end(), _rclGrid._aulGrid[_ulX][_ulY][_ulZ].begin(), _rclGrid._aulGrid[_ulX][_ulY][_ulZ].end());
00186   }
00190   void  Init (void)
00191   { _ulX = _ulY = _ulZ = 0; }
00193   bool  More (void) const
00194   { return (_ulZ < _rclGrid._ulCtGridsZ); }
00196   void  Next (void)
00197   {
00198     if (++_ulX >= (_rclGrid._ulCtGridsX)) _ulX = 0; else return;
00199     if (++_ulY >= (_rclGrid._ulCtGridsY)) { _ulY = 0; _ulZ++; } else return;
00200   }
00206   bool InitOnRay (const Base::Vector3d &rclPt, const Base::Vector3d &rclDir, std::vector<unsigned long> &raulElements);
00208   bool InitOnRay (const Base::Vector3d &rclPt, const Base::Vector3d &rclDir, float fMaxSearchArea, std::vector<unsigned long> &raulElements);
00210   bool NextOnRay (std::vector<unsigned long> &raulElements);
00214   void GetGridPos (unsigned long &rulX, unsigned long &rulY, unsigned long &rulZ) const
00215   { rulX = _ulX; rulY = _ulY; rulZ = _ulZ; }
00217 protected:
00218   const PointsGrid& _rclGrid; 
00219   unsigned long   _ulX;     
00220   unsigned long   _ulY;     
00221   unsigned long   _ulZ;     
00222   Base::Vector3d  _clPt;    
00223   Base::Vector3d  _clDir;   
00224   bool            _bValidRay; 
00225   float           _fMaxSearchArea;
00227   struct GridElement 
00228   {
00229     GridElement( unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long z)
00230     { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->z = z; }
00231     bool operator < (const GridElement& pos) const
00232     {
00233       if ( x == pos.x)
00234       { if ( y == pos.y) return z < pos.z; else return y < pos.y; }
00235       else 
00236       { return x < pos.x; }
00237     }
00238   private:
00239     unsigned long x,y,z;
00240   };
00241   std::set<GridElement> _cSearchPositions;
00242 };
00244 // --------------------------------------------------------------
00246 inline Base::BoundBox3d  PointsGrid::GetBoundBox (unsigned long ulX, unsigned long ulY, unsigned long ulZ) const
00247 {
00248   double fX, fY, fZ;
00250   fX = _fMinX + (double(ulX) * _fGridLenX);
00251   fY = _fMinY + (double(ulY) * _fGridLenY);
00252   fZ = _fMinZ + (double(ulZ) * _fGridLenZ);
00254   return Base::BoundBox3d(fX, fY, fZ, fX + _fGridLenX, fY + _fGridLenY, fZ + _fGridLenZ);
00255 }
00257 inline Base::BoundBox3d  PointsGrid::GetBoundBox (void) const
00258 {
00259   return Base::BoundBox3d(_fMinX, _fMinY, _fMinZ, _fMinX + (_fGridLenX * double(_ulCtGridsX)),
00260                           _fMinY + (_fGridLenY * double(_ulCtGridsY)), _fMinZ + (_fGridLenZ * double(_ulCtGridsZ)));
00261 }
00263 inline bool PointsGrid::CheckPos (unsigned long ulX, unsigned long ulY, unsigned long ulZ) const
00264 {
00265   return ((ulX < _ulCtGridsX) && (ulY < _ulCtGridsY) && (ulZ < _ulCtGridsZ));
00266 }
00268 // --------------------------------------------------------------
00270 } // namespace Points
00272 #endif // POINTS_GRID_H

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