Mesh::MeshPy Class Reference

The python export class for MeshObject. More...

#include <MeshPy.h>

Inheritance diagram for Mesh::MeshPy:
Data::ComplexGeoDataPy Base::PersistencePy Base::BaseClassPy Base::PyObjectBase

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef MeshObjectPointerType

Public Member Functions

PyObject_getattr (char *attr)
 GetAttribute implementation This method implements the retriavel of object attributes.
virtual PyObject_repr (void)
 _repr method Overide this method to return a string object with some invormation about the object.
int _setattr (char *attr, PyObject *value)
 SetAttribute implementation This method implements the seting of object attributes.
PyObjectgetCustomAttributes (const char *attr) const
 getter method for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones)
MeshObjectgetMeshObjectPtr (void) const
 getter for the object handled by this class
virtual PyParentObjectGetParents (void)
virtual PyTypeObject * GetType (void)
 MeshPy (MeshObject *pcObject, PyTypeObject *T=&Type)
virtual int PyInit (PyObject *args, PyObject *k)
 PyInit method Overide this method to initialize a newly created instance of the class (Constuctor).
std::string representation (void) const
int setCustomAttributes (const char *attr, PyObject *obj)
 setter for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones)
 ~MeshPy ()

Static Public Member Functions

static PyObjectPyMake (struct _typeobject *, PyObject *, PyObject *)

Static Public Attributes

static PyGetSetDef GetterSetter []
 Attribute structure of MeshPy.
static PyMethodDef Methods []
 Methods structure of MeshPy.
static PyParentObject Parents [] = { PARENTSMeshMeshPy }
static PyTypeObject Type
 Type structure of MeshPy.

additional declarations and methods for the wrapper class

class PropertyMeshKernel

callbacks and implementers for the python object methods

PyObjectaddFacet (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the addFacet() method
PyObjectaddFacets (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the addFacets() method
PyObjectaddMesh (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the addMesh() method
PyObjectclear (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the clear() method
PyObjectcoarsen (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the coarsen() method
PyObjectcollapseEdge (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the collapseEdge() method
PyObjectcollapseFacet (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the collapseFacet() method
PyObjectcollapseFacets (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the collapseFacets() method
PyObjectcopy (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the copy() method
PyObjectcountComponents (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the countComponents() method
PyObjectcountNonUniformOrientedFacets (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the countNonUniformOrientedFacets() method
PyObjectcountSegments (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the countSegments() method
PyObjectcrossSections (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the crossSections() method
PyObjectdifference (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the difference() method
PyObjectfillupHoles (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the fillupHoles() method
PyObjectfixDeformations (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the fixDeformations() method
PyObjectfixDegenerations (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the fixDegenerations() method
PyObjectfixIndices (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the fixIndices() method
PyObjectfixSelfIntersections (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the fixSelfIntersections() method
PyObjectflipNormals (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the flipNormals() method
PyObjectforaminate (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the foraminate() method
PyObjectgetFacetSelection (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getFacetSelection() method
PyObjectgetPlanes (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getPlanes() method
PyObjectgetPointSelection (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getPointSelection() method
PyObjectgetSegment (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getSegment() method
PyObjectgetSeparateComponents (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getSeparateComponents() method
PyObjectharmonizeNormals (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the harmonizeNormals() method
PyObjecthasNonManifolds (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the hasNonManifolds() method
PyObjecthasNonUniformOrientedFacets (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the hasNonUniformOrientedFacets() method
PyObjecthasSelfIntersections (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the hasSelfIntersections() method
PyObjectinner (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the inner() method
PyObjectinsertVertex (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the insertVertex() method
PyObjectintersect (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the intersect() method
PyObjectisSolid (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the isSolid() method
PyObjectmeshFromSegment (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the meshFromSegment() method
PyObjectnearestFacetOnRay (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the nearestFacetOnRay() method
PyObjectoffset (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the offset() method
PyObjectoffsetSpecial (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the offsetSpecial() method
PyObjectoptimizeEdges (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the optimizeEdges() method
PyObjectoptimizeTopology (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the optimizeTopology() method
PyObjectouter (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the outer() method
PyObjectprintInfo (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the printInfo() method
PyObjectread (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the read() method
PyObjectrefine (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the refine() method
PyObjectremoveComponents (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the removeComponents() method
PyObjectremoveDuplicatedFacets (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the removeDuplicatedFacets() method
PyObjectremoveDuplicatedPoints (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the removeDuplicatedPoints() method
PyObjectremoveFacets (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the removeFacets() method
PyObjectremoveFoldsOnSurface (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the removeFoldsOnSurface() method
PyObjectremoveNonManifolds (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the removeNonManifolds() method
PyObjectrotate (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the rotate() method
PyObjectsetPoint (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setPoint() method
PyObjectsmooth (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the smooth() method
PyObjectsnapVertex (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the snapVertex() method
PyObjectsplitEdge (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the splitEdge() method
PyObjectsplitEdges (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the splitEdges() method
PyObjectsplitFacet (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the splitFacet() method
PyObjectswapEdge (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the swapEdge() method
PyObjecttransform (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the transform() method
PyObjecttransformToEigen (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the transformToEigen() method
PyObjecttranslate (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the translate() method
PyObjectunite (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the unite() method
PyObjectwrite (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the write() method
PyObjectwriteInventor (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the writeInventor() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_addFacet (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the addFacet() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_addFacets (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the addFacets() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_addMesh (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the addMesh() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_clear (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the clear() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_coarsen (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the coarsen() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_collapseEdge (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the collapseEdge() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_collapseFacet (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the collapseFacet() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_collapseFacets (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the collapseFacets() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_copy (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the copy() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_countComponents (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the countComponents() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_countNonUniformOrientedFacets (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the countNonUniformOrientedFacets() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_countSegments (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the countSegments() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_crossSections (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the crossSections() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_difference (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the difference() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_fillupHoles (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the fillupHoles() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_fixDeformations (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the fixDeformations() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_fixDegenerations (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the fixDegenerations() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_fixIndices (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the fixIndices() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_fixSelfIntersections (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the fixSelfIntersections() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_flipNormals (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the flipNormals() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_foraminate (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the foraminate() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getFacetSelection (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getFacetSelection() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getPlanes (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getPlanes() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getPointSelection (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getPointSelection() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getSegment (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getSegment() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getSeparateComponents (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getSeparateComponents() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_harmonizeNormals (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the harmonizeNormals() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_hasNonManifolds (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the hasNonManifolds() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_hasNonUniformOrientedFacets (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the hasNonUniformOrientedFacets() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_hasSelfIntersections (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the hasSelfIntersections() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_inner (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the inner() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_insertVertex (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the insertVertex() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_intersect (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the intersect() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_isSolid (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the isSolid() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_meshFromSegment (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the meshFromSegment() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_nearestFacetOnRay (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the nearestFacetOnRay() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_offset (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the offset() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_offsetSpecial (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the offsetSpecial() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_optimizeEdges (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the optimizeEdges() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_optimizeTopology (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the optimizeTopology() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_outer (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the outer() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_printInfo (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the printInfo() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_read (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the read() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_refine (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the refine() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_removeComponents (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the removeComponents() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_removeDuplicatedFacets (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the removeDuplicatedFacets() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_removeDuplicatedPoints (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the removeDuplicatedPoints() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_removeFacets (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the removeFacets() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_removeFoldsOnSurface (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the removeFoldsOnSurface() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_removeNonManifolds (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the removeNonManifolds() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_rotate (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the rotate() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setPoint (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setPoint() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_smooth (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the smooth() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_snapVertex (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the snapVertex() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_splitEdge (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the splitEdge() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_splitEdges (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the splitEdges() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_splitFacet (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the splitFacet() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_swapEdge (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the swapEdge() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_transform (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the transform() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_transformToEigen (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the transformToEigen() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_translate (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the translate() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_unite (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the unite() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_write (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the write() method
static PyObjectstaticCallback_writeInventor (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the writeInventor() method

callbacks and implementers for the python object attributes

Py::Float getArea (void) const
 getter for the Area attribute
Py::Int getCountFacets (void) const
 getter for the CountFacets attribute
Py::Int getCountPoints (void) const
 getter for the CountPoints attribute
Py::List getFacets (void) const
 getter for the Facets attribute
Py::List getPoints (void) const
 getter for the Points attribute
Py::Tuple getTopology (void) const
 getter for the Topology attribute
Py::Float getVolume (void) const
 getter for the Volume attribute
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getArea (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the Area attribute
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getCountFacets (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the CountFacets attribute
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getCountPoints (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the CountPoints attribute
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getFacets (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the Facets attribute
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getPoints (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the Points attribute
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getTopology (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the Topology attribute
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getVolume (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the Volume attribute
static int staticCallback_setArea (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the Area attribute
static int staticCallback_setCountFacets (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the CountFacets attribute
static int staticCallback_setCountPoints (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the CountPoints attribute
static int staticCallback_setFacets (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the Facets attribute
static int staticCallback_setPoints (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the Points attribute
static int staticCallback_setTopology (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the Topology attribute
static int staticCallback_setVolume (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the Volume attribute

Detailed Description

The python export class for MeshObject.

Definition at line 20 of file MeshPy.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 36 of file MeshPy.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MeshPy::MeshPy ( MeshObject pcObject,
PyTypeObject *  T = &Type 
MeshPy::~MeshPy (  ) 

Definition at line 5350 of file MeshPy.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

PyObject * MeshPy::_getattr ( char *  attr  )  [virtual]

GetAttribute implementation This method implements the retriavel of object attributes.

If you want to implement attributes in your class, reimplement this method. You have to call the method of the base class. Note: if you reimplement _gettattr() in a inheriting class you need to call the method of the base class! Otherwise even the methods of the object will disapiear!

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 5365 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References Base::Console(), getCustomAttributes(), Methods, Base::Exception::ReportException(), and Base::Exception::what().

PyObject * MeshPy::_repr ( void   )  [virtual]

_repr method Overide this method to return a string object with some invormation about the object.

 PyObject *MeshFeaturePy::_repr(void)
   std::stringstream a;
   a << "MeshFeature: [ ";
   a << "some realy important info about the object!";
   a << "]" << std::endl;
   return Py_BuildValue("s", a.str().c_str());

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 5357 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References representation().

int MeshPy::_setattr ( char *  attr,
PyObject value 
) [virtual]

SetAttribute implementation This method implements the seting of object attributes.

If you want to implement attributes in your class, reimplement this method. You have to call the method of the base class.

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 5433 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References Base::Console(), Base::Exception::ReportException(), setCustomAttributes(), and Base::Exception::what().

PyObject * MeshPy::addFacet ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::addFacets ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::addMesh ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the addMesh() method

Definition at line 584 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References Mesh::MeshObject::addMesh(), getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh2Shape::mesh, PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Type.

PyObject * MeshPy::clear ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the clear() method

Definition at line 704 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References Mesh::MeshObject::clear(), getMeshObjectPtr(), and Py_Return.

PyObject * MeshPy::coarsen ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the coarsen() method

Definition at line 381 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

PyObject * MeshPy::collapseEdge ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::collapseFacet ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the collapseFacet() method

Definition at line 1104 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References Mesh::MeshObject::collapseFacet(), getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, and PY_TRY.

PyObject * MeshPy::collapseFacets ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the collapseFacets() method

Definition at line 1175 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References Mesh::MeshObject::collapseFacets(), getMeshObjectPtr(), Py_Error, and Py_Return.

PyObject * MeshPy::copy ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the copy() method

Definition at line 123 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References Mesh::MeshObject::getKernel(), getMeshObjectPtr(), and MeshPy().

PyObject * MeshPy::countComponents ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::countNonUniformOrientedFacets ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::countSegments ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::crossSections ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::difference ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the difference() method

Definition at line 330 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh2Shape::mesh, MeshPy(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, Mesh::MeshObject::subtract(), and Type.

PyObject * MeshPy::fillupHoles ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::fixDeformations ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the fixDeformations() method

Definition at line 879 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Mesh::MeshObject::validateDeformations().

PyObject * MeshPy::fixDegenerations ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the fixDegenerations() method

Definition at line 892 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Mesh::MeshObject::validateDegenerations().

PyObject * MeshPy::fixIndices ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the fixIndices() method

Definition at line 867 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Mesh::MeshObject::validateIndices().

PyObject * MeshPy::fixSelfIntersections ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::flipNormals ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the flipNormals() method

Definition at line 772 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References Mesh::MeshObject::flipNormals(), getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, and PY_TRY.

PyObject * MeshPy::foraminate ( PyObject args  ) 
Py::Float MeshPy::getArea ( void   )  const

getter for the Area attribute

Definition at line 1354 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr().

Referenced by staticCallback_getArea().

Py::Int MeshPy::getCountFacets ( void   )  const

getter for the CountFacets attribute

Definition at line 1349 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr().

Referenced by staticCallback_getCountFacets().

Py::Int MeshPy::getCountPoints ( void   )  const

getter for the CountPoints attribute

Definition at line 1344 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr().

Referenced by staticCallback_getCountPoints().

PyObject * MeshPy::getCustomAttributes ( const char *  attr  )  const

getter method for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones)

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 1364 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

Referenced by _getattr().

Py::List MeshPy::getFacets ( void   )  const
PyObject * MeshPy::getFacetSelection ( PyObject args  ) 
MeshObject * MeshPy::getMeshObjectPtr ( void   )  const
virtual PyParentObject* Mesh::MeshPy::GetParents ( void   )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 28 of file MeshPy.h.

PyObject * MeshPy::getPlanes ( PyObject args  ) 
Py::List MeshPy::getPoints ( void   )  const
PyObject * MeshPy::getPointSelection ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::getSegment ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::getSeparateComponents ( PyObject args  ) 
Py::Tuple MeshPy::getTopology ( void   )  const

getter for the Topology attribute

Definition at line 1395 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References Py::List::append(), SketcherExample::f, Mesh::MeshObject::getFaces(), getMeshObjectPtr(), and Py::Tuple::setItem().

Referenced by staticCallback_getTopology().

virtual PyTypeObject* Mesh::MeshPy::GetType ( void   )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 27 of file MeshPy.h.

Py::Float MeshPy::getVolume ( void   )  const

getter for the Volume attribute

Definition at line 1359 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr().

Referenced by staticCallback_getVolume().

PyObject * MeshPy::harmonizeNormals ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the harmonizeNormals() method

Definition at line 801 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh::MeshObject::harmonizeNormals(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, and PY_TRY.

PyObject * MeshPy::hasNonManifolds ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the hasNonManifolds() method

Definition at line 720 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), and Mesh::MeshObject::hasNonManifolds().

PyObject * MeshPy::hasNonUniformOrientedFacets ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the hasNonUniformOrientedFacets() method

Definition at line 785 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References Mesh::MeshObject::countNonUniformOrientedFacets(), and getMeshObjectPtr().

PyObject * MeshPy::hasSelfIntersections ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the hasSelfIntersections() method

Definition at line 736 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), and Mesh::MeshObject::hasSelfIntersections().

PyObject * MeshPy::inner ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the inner() method

Definition at line 347 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh::MeshObject::inner(), Mesh2Shape::mesh, MeshPy(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Type.

PyObject * MeshPy::insertVertex ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::intersect ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the intersect() method

Definition at line 313 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh::MeshObject::intersect(), Mesh2Shape::mesh, MeshPy(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Type.

PyObject * MeshPy::isSolid ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the isSolid() method

Definition at line 712 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), and Mesh::MeshObject::isSolid().

PyObject * MeshPy::meshFromSegment ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::nearestFacetOnRay ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::offset ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the offset() method

Definition at line 208 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh::MeshObject::offsetSpecial2(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, and PY_TRY.

PyObject * MeshPy::offsetSpecial ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the offsetSpecial() method

Definition at line 221 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh::MeshObject::offsetSpecial(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, and PY_TRY.

PyObject * MeshPy::optimizeEdges ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the optimizeEdges() method

Definition at line 954 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh::MeshObject::optimizeEdges(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, and PY_TRY.

PyObject * MeshPy::optimizeTopology ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the optimizeTopology() method

Definition at line 940 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh::MeshObject::optimizeTopology(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, and PY_TRY.

PyObject * MeshPy::outer ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the outer() method

Definition at line 364 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh2Shape::mesh, MeshPy(), Mesh::MeshObject::outer(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Type.

PyObject * MeshPy::printInfo ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the printInfo() method

Definition at line 1168 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr().

int MeshPy::PyInit ( PyObject ,
) [virtual]

PyInit method Overide this method to initialize a newly created instance of the class (Constuctor).

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 56 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References addFacets(), getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh::MeshObject::load(), Type, and Base::Exception::what().

PyObject * MeshPy::PyMake ( struct _typeobject *  ,
PyObject ,
) [static]

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 117 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References MeshPy().

PyObject * MeshPy::read ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the read() method

Definition at line 132 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh::MeshObject::load(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, and PY_TRY.

PyObject * MeshPy::refine ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the refine() method

Definition at line 928 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Mesh::MeshObject::refine().

PyObject * MeshPy::removeComponents ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::removeDuplicatedFacets ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the removeDuplicatedFacets() method

Definition at line 916 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Mesh::MeshObject::removeDuplicatedFacets().

PyObject * MeshPy::removeDuplicatedPoints ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the removeDuplicatedPoints() method

Definition at line 904 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Mesh::MeshObject::removeDuplicatedPoints().

PyObject * MeshPy::removeFacets ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::removeFoldsOnSurface ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::removeNonManifolds ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the removeNonManifolds() method

Definition at line 728 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Py_Return, and Mesh::MeshObject::removeNonManifolds().

std::string MeshPy::representation ( void   )  const

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 106 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References Base::PyObjectBase::_pcTwinPointer, and Mesh::MeshObject::representation().

Referenced by _repr().

PyObject * MeshPy::rotate ( PyObject args  ) 
int MeshPy::setCustomAttributes ( const char *  attr,
PyObject obj 

setter for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones)

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 1369 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

Referenced by _setattr().

PyObject * MeshPy::setPoint ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the setPoint() method

Definition at line 597 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, Mesh::MeshObject::setPoint(), Base::VectorPy::Type, and Py::value().

PyObject * MeshPy::smooth ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the smooth() method

Definition at line 1243 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References FLOAT_MAX, getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Mesh::MeshObject::smooth().

PyObject * MeshPy::snapVertex ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::splitEdge ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::splitEdges ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the splitEdges() method

Definition at line 967 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, and Mesh::MeshObject::splitEdges().

PyObject * MeshPy::splitFacet ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_addFacet ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_addFacets ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_addMesh ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_clear ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_coarsen ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_collapseEdge ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_collapseFacet ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_collapseFacets ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_copy ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_countComponents ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_countNonUniformOrientedFacets ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_countSegments ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_crossSections ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_difference ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_fillupHoles ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_fixDeformations ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_fixDegenerations ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_fixIndices ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_fixSelfIntersections ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_flipNormals ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_foraminate ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getArea ( PyObject self,
void *  closure 
) [static]

getter callback for the Area attribute

Definition at line 5270 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References getArea(), Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), Py::new_reference_to(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getCountFacets ( PyObject self,
void *  closure 
) [static]

getter callback for the CountFacets attribute

Definition at line 5206 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References getCountFacets(), Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), Py::new_reference_to(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getCountPoints ( PyObject self,
void *  closure 
) [static]

getter callback for the CountPoints attribute

Definition at line 5142 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References getCountPoints(), Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), Py::new_reference_to(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getFacets ( PyObject self,
void *  closure 
) [static]

getter callback for the Facets attribute

Definition at line 5174 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References getFacets(), Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), Py::new_reference_to(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getFacetSelection ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getPlanes ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getPoints ( PyObject self,
void *  closure 
) [static]

getter callback for the Points attribute

Definition at line 5110 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References getPoints(), Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), Py::new_reference_to(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getPointSelection ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getSegment ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getSeparateComponents ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getTopology ( PyObject self,
void *  closure 
) [static]

getter callback for the Topology attribute

Definition at line 5238 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References getTopology(), Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), Py::new_reference_to(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_getVolume ( PyObject self,
void *  closure 
) [static]

getter callback for the Volume attribute

Definition at line 5302 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References getVolume(), Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), Py::new_reference_to(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_harmonizeNormals ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_hasNonManifolds ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_hasNonUniformOrientedFacets ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_hasSelfIntersections ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_inner ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_insertVertex ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_intersect ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_isSolid ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_meshFromSegment ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_nearestFacetOnRay ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_offset ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_offsetSpecial ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_optimizeEdges ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_optimizeTopology ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_outer ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_printInfo ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_read ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_refine ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_removeComponents ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_removeDuplicatedFacets ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_removeDuplicatedPoints ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_removeFacets ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_removeFoldsOnSurface ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_removeNonManifolds ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_rotate ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
int MeshPy::staticCallback_setArea ( PyObject self,
PyObject value,
void *  closure 
) [static]

setter callback for the Area attribute

Definition at line 5288 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

int MeshPy::staticCallback_setCountFacets ( PyObject self,
PyObject value,
void *  closure 
) [static]

setter callback for the CountFacets attribute

Definition at line 5224 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

int MeshPy::staticCallback_setCountPoints ( PyObject self,
PyObject value,
void *  closure 
) [static]

setter callback for the CountPoints attribute

Definition at line 5160 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

int MeshPy::staticCallback_setFacets ( PyObject self,
PyObject value,
void *  closure 
) [static]

setter callback for the Facets attribute

Definition at line 5192 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_setPoint ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
int MeshPy::staticCallback_setPoints ( PyObject self,
PyObject value,
void *  closure 
) [static]

setter callback for the Points attribute

Definition at line 5128 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

int MeshPy::staticCallback_setTopology ( PyObject self,
PyObject value,
void *  closure 
) [static]

setter callback for the Topology attribute

Definition at line 5256 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

int MeshPy::staticCallback_setVolume ( PyObject self,
PyObject value,
void *  closure 
) [static]

setter callback for the Volume attribute

Definition at line 5320 of file MeshPy.cpp.

References Base::PyObjectBase::isValid(), and Base::PyObjectBase::PyObjectBase().

PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_smooth ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_snapVertex ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_splitEdge ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_splitEdges ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_splitFacet ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_swapEdge ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_transform ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_transformToEigen ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_translate ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_unite ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_write ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::staticCallback_writeInventor ( PyObject self,
PyObject args 
) [static]
PyObject * MeshPy::swapEdge ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::transform ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::transformToEigen ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the transformToEigen() method

Definition at line 432 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Py_Return, and Mesh::MeshObject::transformToEigenSystem().

PyObject * MeshPy::translate ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::unite ( PyObject args  ) 

implementer for the unite() method

Definition at line 296 of file MeshPyImp.cpp.

References getMeshObjectPtr(), Mesh2Shape::mesh, MeshPy(), PY_CATCH, Py_Return, PY_TRY, Type, and Mesh::MeshObject::unite().

PyObject * MeshPy::write ( PyObject args  ) 
PyObject * MeshPy::writeInventor ( PyObject args  ) 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class PropertyMeshKernel [friend]

Definition at line 368 of file MeshPy.h.

Member Data Documentation

PyGetSetDef MeshPy::GetterSetter [static]

Attribute structure of MeshPy.

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 25 of file MeshPy.h.

PyMethodDef MeshPy::Methods [static]

Methods structure of MeshPy.

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 24 of file MeshPy.h.

Referenced by _getattr().

PyParentObject MeshPy::Parents = { PARENTSMeshMeshPy } [static]

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 26 of file MeshPy.h.

PyTypeObject MeshPy::Type [static]

Type structure of MeshPy.

Reimplemented from Data::ComplexGeoDataPy.

Definition at line 23 of file MeshPy.h.

Referenced by addMesh(), difference(), initMesh(), inner(), intersect(), outer(), PyInit(), Mesh::PropertyMeshKernel::setPyObject(), unite(), and wireFromSegment().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Wed Nov 23 19:02:21 2011 for FreeCAD by  doxygen 1.6.1